Zodiac Signs for these Historic Figures and What it Reveals About their Personalities

Zodiac Signs for these Historic Figures and What it Reveals About their Personalities

Larry Holzwarth - February 9, 2020

There are those who swear by the influence of the stars on the fate and personalities of humans. Others are unconvinced. Still, others read daily horoscopes for amusement. Historic figures have consulted the stars when faced with major decisions. Ancient Babylonians developed the practice, which they handed to the Greeks, who passed it along. The Greeks gave the twelve constellations with the name of Zodiac, derived from a Greek word. It means a circle of animals. They divided the twelve constellations into groups of three, Fire (Aries, Sagittarius, Leo); Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces); Air (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra); Earth (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo). True believers hold that the position of the stars at birth is reflected in an individual’s personality.

Zodiac Signs for these Historic Figures and What it Reveals About their Personalities
The great wheel of the Zodiac has been studied since ancient times. Wikimedia

The calendar comes into play when determining the sign of the Zodiac under which some historical figures were born. For example, George Washington was born on February 11, 1731, under the Old Style calendar used at the time. In 1750 Parliament passed the Calendar Act, which pushed dates back eleven dates and added one year, making his date of birth February 22, 1732. February 11 falls under the sign of Aquarius, February 22 under Pisces. Though both are Water signs according to astrologers, different personality traits are assigned to them, reflected by those born under them. Benjamin Franklin on the other hand (January 6, 1705, O. S., January 17, 1706) had both dates falling within the sign of Capricorn. Here are some of the signs of the Zodiac for historical figures and the personality traits which they presented.

1. Thomas Jefferson, born April 2, 1742 (April 13, 1743), under the sign of Aries

Zodiac Signs for these Historic Figures and What it Reveals About their Personalities
Thomas Jefferson was a polymath who seemed to display the characteristics of all of the signs of the Zodiac. Wikimedia

Aries is both a fire sign and a cardinal sign, meaning it is the first sign of a new season of the year. Aries is also the first sign of the zodiacal calendar. People born under Aries are said to be passionate, like to be first, and are usually ambitious. They are also said to be easily bored with details, have a tendency to be selfish, and possessed of a violent temper. Optimism is a feature of their personality. Few such traits were evident in the personality of Thomas Jefferson, at least not openly displayed. Jefferson was obsessed with details, painstakingly recording the activities on his farms, the weather, and the state of his crops.

He was certainly passionate in all of his pursuits, in architecture, education, music, languages, and his correspondence, which was extensive for all of his life. Perhaps he was most passionate over his home at Monticello. He was also known throughout his life for his measured responses to things which displeased him, rather than an eruption of temper. When he first went to France to serve as Minister there, a role Benjamin Franklin had previously filled, the French Minister Comte Vergennes said, “You replace Franklin, I hear”. Jefferson responded “I succeed. No man can replace him”, hardly the response of a man who liked to be first. It would seem that Aries had little influence on the personality of Thomas Jefferson, at least not as much as did the writings of John Locke and Isaac Newton.

2. King George III, born May 24 (June 4) 1738, under the sign of Gemini

Zodiac Signs for these Historic Figures and What it Reveals About their Personalities
George III in his coronation robes. Wikimedia

Gemini is the sign of the twins, an air sign, and those born under it are said to be creative, curious, quick-witted, innovative, and emotional. The man who became King George III was born under the sign, eight weeks premature. He was not expected to survive at first. When he did, he grew into a reserved child, privately tutored at the family home on Leicester Square. As a child, he took a strong interest in science. His father, the Prince of Wales, died suddenly in 1751, and the King, George II began to pay attention to young George, who became his heir-apparent. George II spoke German as his primary language, and he conversed with his grandson in that language when they met.

George became King George III at the age of 22. During his reign he took no mistresses, remaining faithful to his wife Charlotte, with whom he had fifteen children. During his reign the American colonies were lost, the French Revolution threatened the monarchies of Europe, and the Napoleonic wars raged in its aftermath. His later life was marked with mental illness and near-blindness from cataracts. Until then he exhibited deep curiosity in science and agriculture, assembling a large collection of scientific instruments in his lifetime. As King he had built the King’s Observatory, allowing him to personally observe the transit of Venus in 1769. He exhibited several of the traits attributed to Gemini until his mental health permanently deteriorated in 1810. He died in January 1820.

3. Napoleon Bonaparte, born August 15, 1769, under the sign of Leo

Zodiac Signs for these Historic Figures and What it Reveals About their Personalities
Napoleon did not place the crown on his head at the coronation, instead elevating it to the crowd before crowning his Empress, Josephine. Wikimedia

People born under the sign of Leo – the Lion – are said to be passionate, take charge, ambitious, regal in nature, prone to celebrate their accomplishments, and natural leaders. Those traits were certainly apparent in the personality of Napoleon Bonaparte, who quite literally seized the crown of Emperor of the French with his own hands. The phrase “in the spotlight” did not exist in Napoleon’s day, but he made sure that it is always shown upon him in the figurative sense. That he was governed by fierce passions is evident in his letters to Josephine, and to his several mistresses. He elevated his brothers to thrones in Europe, though he ruled through them, rather than allowing them to rule themselves.

Napoleon chafed in exile on the island of Elba, and returned to reclaim the throne of France after nine months. His march from the coast to Paris became a triumphal procession after the Emperor challenged troops sent to stop him to kill him. It was a grandiose gesture in which he appealed directly to the men to recall their past triumphs under him. Throughout his military career, his leadership skills were prominently displayed, as was his seemingly unending ambition. Even in his final exile on St. Helena he occupied himself with military affairs, writing a book about the campaigns of Julius Caesar. The characteristics ascribed to those born under Leo were clearly evident in Napoleon’s personality and life.

4. George S. Patton, born November 11, 1885, under the sign of Scorpio

Zodiac Signs for these Historic Figures and What it Reveals About their Personalities
George S. Patton’s polished helmet and ivory-handled revolvers were just two of the affectations he displayed in World War II. Wikimedia

People born under Scorpio – a water sign – are said to be clairvoyant and spiritually connected. They are also said to be calculating, ambitious, attracted to power, and at risk of developing powerful egos. The ruling planet for Scorpio is Pluto, though Pluto is no longer considered a planet by astronomers. Pluto is symbolic of destruction. George S. Patton displayed the qualities of a Scorpio throughout his military career, including many self-destructive tendencies. Patton’s long practice of calculated self-promotion in newspapers and magazines began with his first combat assignment during the Pancho Villa Expedition in Mexico. It continued throughout his career.

His self-promotion in World War II began with the flamboyant costume he wore in command; riding breeches, polished helmet and boots, armed with a swagger stick. He believed in reincarnation and told of past battles from ancient civilizations and the wars of Napoleon, in which he had participated. His brash pronouncements to the press led to frequent arguments with his commanders, including Eisenhower. Patton died shortly after the war in Europe ended, from injuries sustained in a traffic accident in December 1945. He has remained controversial ever since. There is no question, however, that he displayed the above-listed traits of personality, especially a powerful ego.

5. Josef Stalin, born December 18, 1878, under the sign of Sagittarius

Zodiac Signs for these Historic Figures and What it Reveals About their Personalities
Josef Stalin and FDR at the Tehran Conference in 1943. Wikimedia

Josef Stalin was born in the East European state of Georgia, part of the Russian Empire, and given the tongue-twisting name of Ioseb Besarionis dzе Jughashvili. Those born under the sign of Sagittarius are sometimes said to be endowed with strong ambition, supported by an authoritative nature. They can be adaptable and resourceful. Such qualities were readily apparent in the personality and career of Josef Stalin. He was nearly blind in his ambition, and ruthlessly resourceful in carrying out his political goals throughout his career. His authoritative nature was evident from his complete control of the Soviet Union, attained in the 1930s.

During the decade of the 1930s Stalin’s Great Purge, targeted at what he and his minions called enemies of the working class, led to over 700,000 executions. Sagittarians are also said to be appreciative of art and luxury. While Stalin’s policies led to additional millions dying of starvation and disease, he lived in luxury in the Kremlin and in dachas. At the time of his death, he owned a collection of over 2,700 records featuring classical music. He collected wrist and pocket watches and enjoyed raising flowers. While he did so uncounted millions died, either under his orders or as a result of his failed policies. His rule of the Soviet Union was one of the most repressive in world history.

6. Julius Henry Marx, born October 2, 1890, under the sign of Libra

Zodiac Signs for these Historic Figures and What it Reveals About their Personalities
Groucho Marx in a publicity still made in the 1940s, before television brought him to a new audience. Wikimedia

Librans are said to be quick-witted, clever, with strong imaginations. They are sociable in nature and love to engage in conversations where they can display their biting sense of humor. They also possess innate diplomatic skills, according to some interpretations of the sign. The above traits are clearly descriptive of Julius Henry Marx, who achieved fame under the performing name Groucho. Groucho grew up with his siblings on the upper East Side of Manhattan. Poverty forced him to quit school and seek work at the age of 12. In 1905 he began his career as a vaudevillian. Four years later saw the debut of the Marx Brothers, though they performed under the name of the Four Nightingales.

Groucho made 26 films in his career, half of them with brothers Chico and Harpo; the latter famously didn’t speak in them. Throughout, the brothers went off script, bantering among themselves and other actors, often to the exasperation of directors and writers. Groucho took his wit and imagination to the quiz show You Bet Your Life on radio in 1947, and to television three years later. The program, which was performed before a live audience, had no script and was entirely ad-libbed by Groucho and the audience members who joined him onstage. The broadcast was prerecorded because the producers and sponsors were aware Marx would say virtually anything which came to his nimble mind. Editing out risqué comments was necessary to assuage the concerns of the censors.

7. Edgar Allan Poe, born January 19, 1809, under the sign of Capricorn

Zodiac Signs for these Historic Figures and What it Reveals About their Personalities
American author, poet, and critic Edgar Allan Poe was an early master of suspense. Wikimedia

The Capricorn personality is said to be marked by creative intelligence, the ability to communicate, discipline, and a well-grounded nature. Some such traits were evident in Edgar Allan Poe‘s personality and life, while others were not, depending on how discipline, in particular, is regarded. While Poe possessed the discipline needed to write, and edited and reviewed the works of others, he lacked certain aspects of self-control. He gambled his way out of the University of Virginia, and later failed as a cadet at the Military Academy at West Point. Throughout his career, he struggled with debt and alcohol, including absinthe. At the age of 26, he married his 13-year-old cousin, who died after eleven years of marriage.

Creative intelligence however he possessed to a remarkable degree. He wrote poetry which remains famous and widely read. He is credited with inventing the modern detective fiction genre. Poe’s psychological thrillers are still made into motion pictures and television programs, as well as adapted for the stage. He also wrote science fiction, and satire and outright hoaxes emerged from his pen. He was also a critic, called by James Lowell, another critic, “the most discriminating, philosophical, and fearless critic upon imaginative works who has written in America”. Poe’s untimely and mysterious death in Baltimore, and his burial there, have made him an enduring part of that community.

8. James Dean, born February 8, 1931, under the sign of Aquarius

Zodiac Signs for these Historic Figures and What it Reveals About their Personalities
Publicity still of actor James Dean, who remained a major star for decades after his death. Wikimedia

According to some astrologers, Aquarius bestows upon those born under it, charm, vivacity, youthfulness, intelligence, and the ability to master one’s emotions. James Dean possessed such qualities when he burst upon the American scene in 1953’s East of Eden. Though some believed him to be an overnight success, he had been acting in television for several years, while attending acting school. East of Eden was his Hollywood breakthrough. He followed it with Rebel Without A Cause (1955) and Giant with Rock Hudson and Elizabeth Taylor the following year. Dean was scheduled to film Somebody Up There Likes Me in the role of Rocky Graziano. After his death, the part was given to Paul Newman.

Dean dated several actresses during his short life. They included Liz Sheridan and Ursula Andress. He also loved speed, on his motorcycles and in his cars. He raced the latter in both amateur and professional events, and was on the way to participate in an automobile race in his Porsche 550 Spyder when he was killed in an accident in southern California. His death at a young age made his youthfulness a permanent part of his legacy. At his death, Humphrey Bogart said of Dean, “If he had lived, he never would have been able to live up to his publicity”. As of 2019, Dean’s estate continues to earn about $5 million per year.

9. John Augustus Roebling, born June 12, 1806, under the sign of Gemini

Zodiac Signs for these Historic Figures and What it Reveals About their Personalities
The John A. Roebling Bridge across the Ohio River at Cincinnati, in use for over 150 years. Library of Congress

Those born under the sign of Gemini are supposedly endowed with communication skills, with twin natures. Connecting with people is their skill. They are also optimistic and creative. So, it is interesting to consider the career of John Augustus Roebling. Roebling spent his professional life connecting people by building bridges. He designed and built several, some of which still stand and serve their communities. He also completed most of the design of the Brooklyn Bridge before his untimely death from a construction site injury. The bridge was completed by his son, Washington, at the cost of his health. Before he built bridges, Roebling manufactured wire rope to support them.

In 1849 Roebling built a suspended aqueduct across the Delaware River. It was later converted to vehicular traffic and still stands. In 1855 he completed a bridge spanning the Niagara River. 1859 saw the completion of a bridge across the Allegheny River at Pittsburgh. Modern transportation needs rendered it archaic and it was demolished in the 1890s. The John A. Roebling Suspension Bridge connecting Cincinnati and Covington, Kentucky was begun in 1857. Construction was halted by the Civil War, resumed in 1863, and the bridge was completed in 1866. It still carries vehicle traffic and pedestrians across the Ohio River over a century and a half later.

10. John Paul Jones, born July 6, 1747, under the sign of Cancer

Zodiac Signs for these Historic Figures and What it Reveals About their Personalities
John Paul Jones in the service of the Russian Navy of Catherine the Great. Wikimedia

Some of the personality traits ascribed to those born under Cancer include ambition, a tendency toward occasional moodiness, the willingness to try new things, and skill at organization. Cancer is a water sign, and the desire to be near water is often a part of the personality. John Paul Jones lived most of his life near or on the water. He also exhibited organizational skills, was highly ambitious, and was subject to fits of dark moods. He was born John Paul in Scotland. After killing a mutinous sailor, the last of a series of questionable events which marked his early days as a merchant captain, Paul fled to the British colony of Virginia, where he added Jones to his name.

Jones was one of the earliest volunteers to the Continental Navy. He served in or commanded several ships of the Navy, though it was in the converted Indiamen Bon Homme Richard where he became a legend. Following the American Revolutionary War, the Navy was disbanded. Jones traveled to Russia, where he served in the fleet of Catherine the Great. He was awarded the rank of Rear Admiral in the Russian Navy, under the name Pavel de Zhones, which allowed him to retain his American commission. He never returned to the United States, remaining in Europe following his campaign with the Russians. Jones died in 1792 in Paris, where he was buried. In 1905 his body was disinterred and returned to the United States, where it was eventually placed in a crypt at the United States Naval Academy.

11. John McDouall Stuart, born September 7, 1815, under the sign of Virgo

Zodiac Signs for these Historic Figures and What it Reveals About their Personalities
John McDouall Stuart was a Scottish explorer of Australia in the 19th century, Wikimedia

Those born under the sign of Virgo are said to be attentive, faithful, and friendly, though they have little patience for fools and shirkers. They are worriers who exercise caution. When with people who are their match in intelligence, they are friendly though they tend to avoid those who exhibit ignorance. John McDouall Stuart was such a man. Stuart made several journeys into the unknown areas of Australia in the 19th century. His first took place in 1858, during the antipodean winter. The expeditions were important in the mapping of the continent and the location of sources of minerals and lands suitable for ranching and farming.

His most important expedition was his sixth, which began in October 1861. Stuart led a ten-man party from Adelaide across the continent, from the south to the north coasts. One member was dismissed from the party by Stuart because the man would not discard his greatcoat. Stuart, experienced in the country to be traversed, recognized the coat as an unnecessary burden, and unable to tolerate the man’s obtuseness, sent him home. The remaining party reached the north coast in July 1862. They were the first to traverse the continent from south to north, and not a man was lost on the way. The success was directly due to Stuart’s attention to detail, attentiveness to the men under his leadership, and unwillingness to brook opposition to his knowledge and experience.

12. Robert E. Lee, born January 19, 1807, under the sign of Capricorn

Zodiac Signs for these Historic Figures and What it Reveals About their Personalities
Matthew Brady photograph of Robert E. Lee taken in Richmond, Virginia in late April, 1865. Wikimedia

The Capricorn personality is said to possess the traits of mental discipline, intelligence, loyalty, and dedication. They are sometimes present to the point that they draw admiration from both friends and foes. Such was the reputation of Robert E. Lee both before and following the American Civil War. Lee was regarded as America’s most capable soldier in the antebellum period, when he became known for his bravery during the Mexican War. He was a member of the Army’s Corps of Engineers, and his work included the establishment of the Ohio-Michigan border, improvements at the waterfront of St. Louis, and charting rivers and streams.

Lee inspired the men and officers under his command during the Civil War. He developed an especially strong working relationship with his subordinate and fellow Virginian, Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson. As the war began to go against the south, Lee came under some criticism, but nobody questioned his authority nor his dedication to the cause. He was so dedicated to duty during his career he once remonstrated his wife before the war when she asked him to come home. At the time she was residing at Arlington, across the river from Washington where Lee was posted. He replied he would rather have her encouraging him to remain at his post and his duty than troubling him with requests he return to the luxuries of the family plantation.

13. Marie Curie, born November 7, 1867, under the sign of Scorpio

Zodiac Signs for these Historic Figures and What it Reveals About their Personalities
Madame Marie Curie in the 1920s. Wikimedia

Scorpios are said to enjoy working with others as a team, with many of them becoming their most productive under such an arrangement. They are passionate over their work, ambitious and determined, though the influence of Pluto is said to make them somewhat secretive. Marie Curie was a Polish-born chemist and physicist who conducted early work on the subject of radioactivity. Marie didn’t just win the Nobel Prize, she won it twice, in two different fields, the only woman to have done so at this writing. She did most of her work in teams which included her students, her husband, and his brother. In just four years at the turn of the nineteenth century (1898-1902) Marie and Pierre Curie published 32 scientific papers announcing their discoveries, up to then kept secret.

One of them was the announcement that exposure to radium destroyed tumors and the diseased cells within them faster than healthy adjoining cells. In 1906 her husband Pierre was struck by a horse-drawn vehicle as he crossed a Paris street and killed. During World War, I Marie established a Corps of mobile X-ray units to travel with the medical units of the French Army. They were called Petites Curies (Little Curies). Curie paid the price for her longstanding work with radiation when she developed aplastic anemia in 1934. None of the safety precautions when working with radiation later installed were available when she and her teams conducted their pioneering work.

14. Henry Ford, born July 30 1863 under the sign of Leo

Zodiac Signs for these Historic Figures and What it Reveals About their Personalities
Innovations by Henry Ford revolutionized American industry, society, and finances. Wikimedia

Personality traits said to be influenced by the sign of Leo include a take-charge attitude, a drive to succeed, and the ability to convince others to follow one’s lead. Leo’s are imbued with a Fire sign-driven passion to succeed regardless of the obstacles encountered. Henry Ford was such an individual. He was born in 1863, the same year the Union won the Battle of Gettysburg. By the end of his long life, the Allies had prevailed in World War II, with many of the machines of war produced on his assembly lines. He did not invent the automobile, but he made it affordable for the masses. He was one of the richest, most recognizable, and most quoted men in the world by the 1920s.

Ford began with racing cars while working for Thomas Edison. He later formed the Ford Motor Company after a few fitful starts of other organizations which failed to build the car he wanted. American drivers sit on the left because that is where Ford placed the steering wheel in his Model T. All other American manufacturers followed his lead. Many others followed his lead as well. From Ford came automobile dealerships, automobile clubs, and the need for better roads. Ford paid his workers better, attracting better workers, and the competition was forced to follow suit. He also shortened the work week, again leading the competition to change the way they did business.

15. Richard M. Nixon, born January 9, 1913, under the sign of Capricorn

Zodiac Signs for these Historic Figures and What it Reveals About their Personalities
Richard Nixon’s letter resigning the Office of the President in 1974. Wikimedia

According to astrologists, Capricorn’s influence on those born on January 9 includes shaping a complex and moody personality. They tend to seek influential positions, but can easily delude themselves. They sometimes have difficulty handling social situations and can be awkward and reserved. Periods of unhappy and depressed moods are possible, though they can be skilled at manipulation and politics. The description fits Richard Nixon. As President of the United States Nixon oversaw the American moon landing, arguably the high point of American technological achievement during the Cold War. He also opened the way to China, and helped ease tensions with the Soviets.

But his handling of the Watergate affair and its effect on his Presidency was his undoing. Throughout what his hand-picked successor called “our great national tragedy”, Nixon deluded himself into believing that he could survive the scandal through deception. When it became evident that he would not, he descended into black moods, deepened by heavy drinking and paranoia. Throughout his political career, he was known to be uncomfortable in social situations. He was unable to engage in small talk comfortably, coming across to others as stiff and aloof. Whether the tendencies were the result of upbringing or the influence of his stars is a matter of what one believes.

16. William Shakespeare, born April 23, 1564, under the sign of Taurus

Zodiac Signs for these Historic Figures and What it Reveals About their Personalities
One of only two portraits painted of Shakespeare during his lifetime which have been found to date. Wikimedia

The true date of William Shakespeare‘s birth is unknown. The first appearance he makes in the historical record is on April 26, 1564, when he was baptized in Stratford-on-Avon. April 23 is traditionally observed as his birthday; it was actually the day he died in 1616. Either date makes the Bard a Taurus, which is said to imbue the qualities of wit, self-indulgence, and pragmatism. They can be both narrow-minded and stubborn. What Shakespeare thought about astrology is unknown, but his plays are littered with astrological references. It was Shakespeare who wrote, “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars but in ourselves, that we are underlings”, in his play Julius Caesar.

Nearly all that is known about Shakespeare’s personality is based on speculation derived from his writings. During his lifetime he was, in essence, a journeyman writer and actor. He spent most of his active career splitting his time between his home in Stratford and the city of London. The number of his investments, records of which survive, indicates that he was a wealthy man. He died at the age of 52; the vicar of Stratford recorded his death was the result of a heavy drinking binge. The wealth he achieved is a testament to pragmatism. His wit is readily evident in his plays, both tragedies and comedies. And what is a drinking binge besides an example of self-indulgence?

17. Nancy Reagan, born July 6, 1921, under the sign of Cancer

Zodiac Signs for these Historic Figures and What it Reveals About their Personalities
The Reagans in 1953. Reagan Presidential Library

The sign of the crab is said to influence people born on July 6 with a nurturing personality. They can also be deeply emotional, prone to moodiness, overly dramatic, and prone to self-pity. Appearance and projected image are important to them. When afforded the opportunity to protect their well-chosen mate they are organized and dedicated. Nancy Reagan is remembered for protecting her husband with the ferocity of a she-bear protecting her cubs. The Reagans were married in 1952, and remained dedicated to each other until Ronald Reagan’s death in 2004. It was her only marriage, for the future president it was his second.

Nancy’s desire to protect her husband led to her bringing to the administration an astrologer, Joan Quigley. Joan was consulted regarding the President’s schedule and movements, to identify times and places when he would be in danger. She was also consulted for auspicious moments when the President would be likely to achieve success. The consultations and resulting disruptions of the White House schedule were annoying to the President’s Chief of Staff, Donald Regan. After Regan was fired he reported the existence of the astrologer and the level of influence she held within the White House. Nancy was roundly criticized and ridiculed in the media, but she held her ground. She later claimed she used the astrologer to help her deal with her own fears following the attempted assassination of her husband.

18. Tyrus Raymond Cobb, born December 18 1886, under the sign of Sagittarius

Zodiac Signs for these Historic Figures and What it Reveals About their Personalities
Few players approached the game of baseball with the fury of Ty Cobb, seen here sliding into third. Wikimedia

Sagittarius is a fire sign, according to astrologists, and fire certainly marked the character and personality of Ty Cobb. Cobb transformed early twentieth-century baseball, spending 22 years with the Detroit Tigers. He played with ferocity theretofore unseen by fans. Sagittarians are said to enjoy competition and self-promotion, both traits which Cobb exhibited throughout his career. Early in his career, he sent numerous postcards and letters to sportswriters under a series of aliases. The messages called their attention to a young semi-pro player (himself) and his remarkable speed. Eventually, he caught the attention of the Tigers.

Cobb’s legacy included holding at one time over 90 records in Major League Baseball. He also holds a reputation for violence and racism, much of which was exaggerated by biographer Al Stump and others. Early investments in Atlanta’s Coca-Cola (Cobb lived in Atlanta in the off-season) and Detroit’s General Motors made Cobb a wealthy man. His estate included endowment of the Ty Cobb Educational Foundation, a college scholarship fund in Georgia. He also endowed hospitals and charities, exhibiting the charitable nature said to be particularly prominent in those born under the sign of the archer. By the way, as of this writing, Cobb still holds the dubious record of most errors by an outfielder at 271.

19. Clara Barton, born December 25, 1821, under the sign of Capricorn

Zodiac Signs for these Historic Figures and What it Reveals About their Personalities
Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross. Wikimedia

The influence of Capricorn on those born on Christmas Day is said to shape their personalities to be inclined to altruism. They are patient, persistent, and enjoy both learning and sharing what they have learned with others. They also lean toward being a controlling personality. All of those traits were present in the personality of Clarissa Harlowe Barton, the founder of the American Red Cross. Known as Clara, she was a schoolteacher during the antebellum period before taking a clerkship at the Patent Office in Washington, one of the first awarded to a woman at the time. Her political leanings led to her being fired during the Buchanan Administration.

Clara’s nursing training was self-taught. When the Civil War began, she dedicated herself to obtaining medical and nursing supplies for the Union armies. Her work as a nurse in the war is well-known; less so was her work towards discovery of the fate of missing men following the war. Barton and the assistants she hired (under the War Department) located more than 22,000 men. She also led the effort to identify the remains of more than 13,000 men who died at the notorious Andersonville prison. A trip to Europe brought the Red Cross to her attention, and in 1881 Barton presided over the first meeting of the American Red Cross, after years of leading the drive to make it a reality.

20. Theodore Roosevelt, born October 27, 1858, under the sign of Scorpio

Zodiac Signs for these Historic Figures and What it Reveals About their Personalities
Theodore Roosevelt at his desk, New Year’s Day, 1920. Wikimedia

According to some astrologists, those born under Scorpio on October 27 possess personality traits which include a love of travel, adventure, and the sensation of being in charge. They can be curious, stubborn, focused, and quite capable of overriding objections of others in pursuit of their goals. Such traits were clearly present in the personality of Theodore Roosevelt, though he could also be crafty when maneuvering in political circles. Roosevelt was a writer of considerable renown, a reformer, a police commissioner, a soldier, Governor of New York, and President of the United States. He created the modern United States Navy over the considerable resistance of political opponents.

He led the conservation efforts in the United States when they were in their infancy. Roosevelt’s interests in conservation were lifelong. So were his interests in hunting, fishing, and ranching. He traveled to areas of South America where no man had gone before, and led safaris in Africa, as well as hunting trips in the American West. Few Presidents exuded the air of being in charge in a manner as clear as the man who became known to the world as Teddy. After the French failed to complete the Panama Canal he made it an American project, though it wasn’t completed until well after his Presidency. It required some political maneuvering which was roundly condemned in some circles, but he ignored the objections to push the project forward.

21. Ray Kroc, born October 5, 1902, under the sign of Libra

Zodiac Signs for these Historic Figures and What it Reveals About their Personalities
Ray Kroc, taken when he was the owner of the San Diego Padres creating the American fast food industry. Wikimedia

Some of the traits attributed to those born on October 5 are optimism, enthusiasm, and above all charm. A way with words is part of their personality. They can also be easily annoyed by error, and have a tendency to be controlling, indifferent to alternative points of view. Ray Kroc was a salesman with considerable charm and enthusiasm when he encountered the McDonald brothers and their restaurant in 1954. As an experienced seller of restaurant equipment, Kroc knew a well-organized kitchen when he saw one, and the McDonald’s setup impressed him. He convinced the brothers to franchise their system, and went about promoting the system and the restaurants.

As part of building the chain, Kroc also built his own legend, much of it based on his imagination rather than fact. Kroc bought out the McDonald brothers in 1961, under circumstances which remain disputed by descendants of the parties, historians, and McDonald’s corporate executives. Kroc worked to ensure that the food served and its taste were the same at every McDonald’s in the country, and his advertising (and restaurants) were aimed directly at families with young children in the 1970s. By the time of his death in 1984, he had accumulated a fortune which exceeded $600 million, 30 years after entering the first McDonald’s restaurant.

22. James T. Kirk, (to be) born March 22, 2233, under the sign of Aries.

Zodiac Signs for these Historic Figures and What it Reveals About their Personalities
Captain James T. Kirk is scheduled to be born under Aries in another couple of centuries. Wikimedia

James Tiberius Kirk’s birth is recorded as of March 22, 2233 (some say 2228). The man who will live in the stars has the influence of the Ram in his personality, which will be industrious, intuitive, and driven by a quest for excellence. He will possess a strong diplomatic streak, though a bit of a temper is also a factor in his makeup. Self-confidence almost to the point of arrogance is also indicated. He will be somewhat impulsive, courageous, prone to stubbornness, and driven by hunches into sometimes frustrating situations. Logical thought is not indicated in his chart.

Kirk was born in the mind of Gene Roddenberry when he created the series Star Trek, after the first pilot episode was rejected. One of the objections from network executives was over the starship’s captain, Christopher Pike, portrayed by Jeffrey Hunter. Kirk was loosely based on British sea Captain James Cook, and fictional Captain Horatio Hornblower. After the character was created, Desilu Studios lobbied for Jack Lord to play the Captain of the Enterprise, but the actor’s financial demands were deemed excessive. Kirk has been portrayed by three actors, as a child by Jimmy Bennett, and as an adult by William Shatner and Christopher Pine.

23. The United States of America, born July 2, 1776, under the sign of Cancer

Zodiac Signs for these Historic Figures and What it Reveals About their Personalities
The early July birth of the United States puts it under the sign of the Crab. Wikimedia

The Continental Congress voted and passed the resolution declaring independence on July 2, 1776. John Adams noted in a letter to his wife that posterity would celebrate that date. But the formal Declaration was passed on July 4, leading that date to become known as Independence Day. Using July 2 as the true date of the birth of “free and independent states” gives the nation the attributes of national personality under the sign of the Crab. Being born on that date brought the traits of quick reactions when needed. Dependability was imbued. So was a tendency to be changeable. Generosity was indicated, but so was a tendency to resent criticism.

There were tendencies to present strong organizational skills and also to have a long memory. A sense of the need to protect the weak when bullied by others was also present. There was also a marked tendency to dwell on the past, especially regarding past injuries, and to never fully forgive the party which caused the injury. This led to a bit of a devious nature at times. The moon is the most influential of the heavenly bodies for those born on July 2, according to some astrologers. Those born on July 2 have a tendency to dream, though not necessarily to act on them. An adventurous spirit, perhaps exemplified by going to the moon, is said to be given by the stars under Cancer. Who knows?


Where do we find this stuff? Here are our sources:

“TheHoroscope.co”. Full horoscope personality for given dates. Online

“Astrologyk.com”. Full horoscope personality for given dates. Online

“I rise with the sun”. A Day in the Life of Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello. Online

“King George III: A Study in Personality”. Lewis Namier, History Today. September, 1953

“Napoleon The Man”. Gemma Betros, History Review. March 2012

“Ike’s Son Remembers George S. Patton Jr.” John D. Eisenhower, American Heritage Magazine. Summer, 2012

“Stalin: ‘Bad but Brilliant'”. Robert Service, History Today. December, 2011

“Groucho: The Life and Times of Julius Henry Marx”. Stefan Kanfer. 2000

“Poe: A Life Cut Short”. Peter Ackroyd. 2008

“Rebel: The Life and Legend of James Dean”. Donald Spoto. 1996

“Obituary – Death of John A. Roebling”. Staff, Scientific American. August 7, 1869. Online

“How a famous engineer’s son emerged to build the Brooklyn Bridge”. Nick Poppy. New York Post. July 18, 2017

“John Paul Jones: A Sailor’s Biography”. Samuel Eliot Morison. 1959

“John McDouall Stuart”. Article, Project Gutenberg Australia. Online

“Making Sense of Robert E. Lee”. Roy Blount Jr. Smithsonian Magazine. July, 2003

“Madame Curie’s Passion”. Julie Des Jardins, Smithsonian Magazine. October, 2011

“The Wonderful, Horrible Life of Henry Ford”. Richard Snow, The Daily Beast. July 11, 2017

“Richard Nixon: His Own Worst Enemy”. Rachel Landis, The Aspen Institute. October 7, 2015. Online

“The Personality of Shakespeare”. A. L. Rowse, Huntington Library Quarterly. May, 1964. Online

“Remembering Nancy Reagan”. Kate Andersen Brower, Politico Magazine. December 31, 2016

“Ty Cobb”. Entry, National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. Online

“Clara Barton, Angel of the Battlefield”. Elizabeth Hannink, Working Nurse. Online

“Teddy Roosevelt and the Strenuous Life”. Ryan Swanson, American Heritage Magazine. Winter, 2020

“Ray Kroc: Burger Baron”. Article, Entrepreneur. Online

“Five Leadership Lessons from James T. Kirk”. Alex Knapp, Forbes Magazine. March 5, 2012. Online

“Lee Resolution Presented to Continental Congress”. This Day in History, History.com. Online
