A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups

Khalid Elhassan - October 11, 2020

Everybody has made a mistake or two – or twenty. Fortunately – and sometimes unfortunately, because some mistakes actually make things better – the odds of making a mistake as monumental as those below are pretty slim. From the surgeon who killed three people in a single operation, to the dictator who got millions of his people killed, following are thirty-five things about some of history’s more fascinating mistakes.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
Dr. Robert Liston. Hill & Adamson

35. Surgeon Kills Three People by Mistake in a Single Operation

Bad doctors and medical screw-ups are not exactly rare. Indeed, thanks to negligent or outright incompetent medical professionals, there is a thriving field in the legal profession that focuses solely on medical malpractice.

Fortunately for Dr. Robert Liston (1794 – 1847) of London, he practiced in an era when, and in a country where, medical malpractice litigation was not the booming business it is today in the US. If not, medical malpractice lawyers would have had a field day suing him for that one time he managed to kill three people during a single surgery – two of whom were not even patients.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
Dr. Liston and old-timey surgery. Daily Mail

34. “The Fastest Knife in the West End

Dr. Robert Liston was a surgeon known for his speed. In the days before anesthetics, an ability to operate speedily was a decided plus. It meant that patients spent less time enduring excruciating pain as a surgeon cut into them. It also increased the odds of survival, lessening the odds of patients going into shock, as well as reducing the time in which their vitals were exposed to germs and other vectors of infection.

Dr. Liston was famous for being able to complete operations in a matter of seconds, and amputate a leg in just two and a half minutes. Unsurprisingly, chances for a mistake were pretty high.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
Dr. Robert Liston performing surgery. Wellcome Images

33. “Time Me Gentlemen

Dr. Liston played up his reputation for speedy surgery for all it was worth. Surgeries back then were spectator events, with galleries surrounding operating rooms for observers to watch what was going on. As he brandished his cutting tools, Dr. Liston would often shout to the audience “time me, gentlemen!” It became his catchphrase.

During one surgery to amputate a leg, Dr. Liston accidentally severed the fingers off the hand of an assistant who was holding down the patient’s leg. Liston continued with the job, and took off the patient’s leg. Both patient and assistant got gangrene, and died within a few days. In his frenzied slicing, Dr. Liston also accidentally cut an elderly spectator’s coat. The old man was not hurt, but he was splattered with blood from the patient’s amputated leg and the medical assistant’s severed fingers. Thinking that he had been wounded, the elderly spectator panicked, had a heart attack, and died.

Also Read: Unbelievable and Gruesome Facts about 19th Century Surgery.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
A de Havilland Comet – note the square windows. Reddit

32. The British Airplane Manufacturer That Threatened to Supplant Boeing

Today, Airbus is threatening to eclipse Boeing. However, until the recent 737 Max fiasco, things had been going great for the giant American airplane manufacturer for as long as anybody could remember. For the bulk of the commercial travel era, Boeing was the dominant player in passenger planes. However, there was a time in the early 1950s when reasonable people could have predicted that the future of passenger planes belonged to Britain’s de Havilland, with Boeing a distant second.

The reason was the de Havilland Comet, history’s first commercial jet liner. Its prototype first flew in 1949, then Comets hit the market in 1952. Fast and sleek, with a pressurized cabin that was comfortable, relatively quiet, and featured large square windows, the Comet cut six hours of travel time between London and New York. It was the world’s most promising passenger plane – then a seemingly minor design oversight turned out to be a major mistake, and doomed the pioneering jetliner.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
A de Havilland Comet with square windows. Pintrest

31. Mistake Dooms a Pioneering Jet Liner

When designing the de Havilland Comet’s windows, the company opted for large, square windows. The decision was driven by aesthetics: square windows looked better than the traditional round “porthole” style windows. Unfortunately for dozens of Comet passengers who died in a series of crashes, designers back then did not understand metal fatigue. Stresses piled up at the corners of the Comet’s square windows, causing catastrophic fuselage breaches mid-flight, resulting in fatal crashes.

Since the Comets often broke apart at high altitudes and above water, it took time to figure out the problem. Once the culprit was identified, the entire Comet fleet was pulled out of service. De Havilland never recovered: while the Comet was being redesigned with round windows and thicker fuselages, the Boeing 707 and Douglas DC-8 hit the market, and became hits with airliners.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
Joseph Stalin. Biography

30. Dictator Makes Mistake after Mistake, Setting the Stage for Disaster

In 1941, the USSR was caught off guard when the Nazis attacked it. Unprepared, the Soviets reeled from the onslaught, as the advancing Germans rampaged through their country. Soviet losses were horrendous, with deaths in the tens of millions, many more wounded, and incalculable destruction and human suffering. The disaster was caused by a series of mistakes, for which Soviet dictator Josef Stalin was chiefly responsible.

The seeds of catastrophe were planted years earlier, during Stalin’s Military Purge, starting in 1937. That purge threw the Soviet military into turmoil by removing its most experienced commanders: 13 of 15 army commanders, 8 of 9 admirals, 50 of 57 corps commanders, all 16 army commissars, and 25 of 28 army corps commissars. That was just the tip of the iceberg.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
The first five Marshals of the Soviet Union in November 1935, l-r Mikhail Tukhachevsky, Semyon Budyonny, Kliment Voroshilov, Vasily Blyukher, Aleksandr Yegorov. Only Voroshilov and Budyonny survived Stalin’s Military Purge. WeapoNews

29. Few Mistakes Were Greater Than Stalin’s Military Purge

In addition to wreaking havoc on the Red Army’s higher ranks, Stalin’s Military Purge also decimated the best middle-rank officers. Until 1937, the Soviet military had a reputation for being innovative. There was an intellectual ferment within the Red Army, such as with the Soviet military’s Theory of Deep Operations, which was as creative as anything Germany’s Wehrmacht was doing at the time.

The Soviets had their equivalents of brilliant German officers such as the Guderians and Mannsteins, brimming with ideas for revolutionizing warfare. They suffered the most, because the purge fell heaviest on the creative and free-thinking. Such officers stood out, and so were prime suspects of harboring the deviationist tendencies Stalin wanted to be stamped out. Thus, when Hitler attacked, the Soviet military was poorly officered and poorly led.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
Germans plunging into the USSR at the start of Operation Barbarossa. The Atlantic

28. Stalin’s Mistake in Ignoring Warnings Leads to Disaster

Stalin compounded his mistakes in the years leading up to the German invasion, with more mistakes in ignoring warnings of the impending German attack in the months before it took place. Those who raised the alarm were punished, as Stalin insisted such alarms were part of a sinister plot engineered by the British to instigate a war between the USSR and Germany. Soviet commanders were forbidden to take precautionary measures, lest they provoke the Germans. Indeed, hours after the invasion had actually begun, Stalin disbelieved Soviet commanders reporting that they were being overrun, insisting that they were experiencing border incidents, not war.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
Soviet prisoners captured in Operation Barbarossa. Pintrest

Stalin also fancied himself a talented military man, and meddled too much. Among his poor decisions were ordering to counterattack, issued to units that were in no position to do so. Later, he insisted that units stay put in untenable positions and fight to the last man. That led to a series of massive encirclements, in which the Germans captured up to 700,000 Soviets per encirclement. By the end of 1941, the Germans had captured 3.4 million Soviet POWs, most of whom died in captivity.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
German armor advancing into the USSR. Getty Images

27. The USSR Paid a Heavy Price for Stalin’s Mistakes

In the first six months after the German invasion, the USSR suffered over 6 million military casualties. That was aside from millions more civilian casualties. No country has ever suffered more losses in a similar period. By the time the invaders ran out of steam, the German army was deep in the USSR, at the gates of Moscow.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
Soviet prisoners taken in Operation Barbarossa. Pintrest

It took superhuman efforts and sacrifice for the Soviets to recover, claw their way back up, and eventually win the war in the end. Stalin deserves credit for keeping the USSR in the fight long after any other country would have thrown in the towel. However, Stalin deserves even more credit for the many mistakes that almost destroyed his country.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
Alexander Fleming. Science History

26. A Mistake That Revolutionized Medicine

Alexander Fleming (1881 – 1955) was an unprepossessing Scottish doctor, pharmacologist, and microbiologist. Until 1928, there had been little in his decades-long career to indicate that he would revolutionize medicine and save millions of lives worldwide. Until that year, his greatest career accomplishment had to do with research on enzymes. Then Fleming discovered penicillin, the antibiotic that revolutionized medical care and saved millions of lives from fatal bacterial infections. It happened by accident, because of sloppiness and basic mistakes.

Fleming’s life was full of lucky breaks. Born in Scotland, he moved to London, where he graduated high school before getting a job in a shipping office. That might have become his career, but an uncle died four years later, and left Fleming an inheritance that allowed him to go to medical school.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
Royal Army medical personnel in WWI. Great War Forum

25. A Lucky Career Track Switch

Alexander Fleming initially wanted to become a surgeon. However, while serving in a reserve regiment, he was recognized as a great marksman. To become a surgeon, he would have had to leave his medical school and move away – which would have meant leaving his unit. His commanding officer did not want to lose the promising reservist. So he introduced Fleming to a prominent researcher and immunologist, who convinced him to become a researcher instead.

During WWI, Fleming served in the Army Medical Corp, where he observed the deaths of many soldiers from uncontrollable infections. Antiseptics were used to fight infections, but they often did more harm than good. Fleming conducted research, which showed that using antiseptics was a mistake when it came to serious injuries: they did nothing to stop the proliferation of anaerobic bacteria in deep wounds. His research was initially rejected, but Fleming plugged on.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
Alexander Fleming and the discovery of penicillin. Bacteria in Photos

24. Millions of Lives Saved Because of a Mistake

One day in 1922, while battling a cold, Fleming transferred some of his snot to a Petri dish. A slob, he put it on his cluttered desk, then forgot it for a couple of weeks. When he finally remembered and examined it, the Petri dish was full of bacterial colonies. However, the microscope revealed that one area of snot was free of bacteria. Further examination revealed that it was due to the presence of an enzyme, which he called lysozyme, which had some antimicrobial properties. That laid the groundwork for his discovery of penicillin.

In 1928, Fleming, still a lab slob, left an uncovered Petri dish next to an open window, where it became contaminated with fungus spores. When he checked it under the microscope, Fleming discovered that the bacteria near the fungus were dying. He managed to isolate the fungus, and discovered that it was effective against numerous pathogens that caused diseases such as pneumonia, meningitis, diphtheria, scarlet fever, gonorrhea, and many more. Thus, penicillin was discovered. As Fleming put it: “I did not discover penicillin. Nature did that. I only discovered it by accident“.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
Christopher Columbus. History Channel

23. Another of History’s More Beneficial Mistakes

As seen above, not all mistakes result in disaster. When Christopher Columbus sailed westward from Spain in 1492, he was convinced that he was less than 3000 miles away from Japan. A little more sailing beyond that, and he would reach the Indies, with their rich spice trade. In reality, Japan is about 12,000 miles away from Spain, not 3000. The reason Columbus thought it was much closer was that he erred in calculating the size of the globe. In one of history’s most momentous mistakes, Columbus concluded that the Earth is far smaller than it actually is.

Contrary to myth, neither Columbus nor his crew feared that they might fall off the edge of the world. The Ancient Greeks knew the earth was a globe two millennia earlier, and educated people and sailors in Columbus’ day had no illusions about the earth being flat. The issue for Columbus was not the shape of the earth, but the size of the ocean he planned on crossing. In addition to screwing up the calculations, he did not know – or had reason to suspect – that an unknown continental landmass lay between Spain and Asia.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
Christopher Columbus’ voyages. Wikimedia

22. Few Mistakes Have Changed the World as Much as Columbus’ Math Mistake

Not many mistakes have had consequences as far-reaching as Christopher Columbus’ math mistakes. He eventually reached the Caribbean, whose islands he believed were the western outskirts of Asia. So he named them the West Indies. In subsequent voyages, he explored the Caribbean and the northern coast of South America. When not exploring, he was governor and viceroy of the Caribbean. In that capacity, he brutally treated, enslaved, and decimated the native population, whom he incorrectly labeled Indians.

To his dying day, Columbus insisted that he had reached Asia. Ironically, the New World discovered by Columbus would not bear his name, but wound up being named after another Italian explorer, Amerigo Vespucci. Amerigo mapped the eastern shore of South America down to Brazil, and demonstrated that what Columbus had reached was not Asia, but a hitherto unknown world. A German mapmaker labeled the New World “America” after Amerigo. His maps were quite popular during 1500, so the name America spread and stuck.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
B-24 Liberators during the Ploesti Raid. Air and Space Museum

21. Series of Mistakes Doom a Well Planned Raid

During WWII, American air commanders planned a raid on the Ploesti oilfields and complex in Romania, which furnished the Nazis with a third of their fuel. The plan was for B-24 Liberator heavy bombers, without fighter escort, to take off for a 2000-mile trip north from Libya across the Mediterranean, then turn northeast towards Ploesti upon reaching the Greek coast. On August 1st, 1943, which came to be known as “Black Sunday”, 177 Liberators took off from Libyan airfields. The plan was good, but it was wrecked by cascading mishaps and mistakes.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
B-24s bombing the Ploesti oilfield complex. Wikimedia

Maintaining radio silence, the B-24s skimmed over the Mediterranean, flying at 50 feet or lower to avoid German radar, then flew at treetop level upon reaching land. However, the Germans were alerted and the raid came to grief because of a series of misfortunes and mistakes. First, a navigation error took some bombers directly above a German position. Then, a lead navigator crashed, and the bombers following him arrived over the target staggered, instead of simultaneously.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
A B-24 over Ploesti. Wikimedia

20. A Disaster of a Raid

A B-24 group leader finally broke radio silence, when he saw that all formation was hopelessly lost. To salvage something from what was shaping up to be a disaster, he ordered the scattered bombers to make their way to Ploesti individually and bomb as best they could. Unfortunately for the American airmen, the Liberators were met by alert defenders.

Hundreds of antiaircraft gun, heavy machineguns, and a specially designed train whose cars’ sides dropped to reveal flak guns, opened up on the bombers, while fighter aircraft savaged them. The low flying B-24s also had to contend with industrial chimneys suddenly looming in their path amid the billowing smoke. Of 177 B-24s that took off that day, 162 reached Ploesti. Of those, 53 were shot down, for the loss of 660 crewmen. Of the 109 Liberators that made it back, 58 were beyond repair. The damage to Ploesti was quickly repaired, and within weeks, the oil complex’s production was higher than it had been before the raid.

Related: Little Mistakes from History With Huge Consequences.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
The Titanic. Marine Link

19. Sailing Without Binoculars Turns Out to be a Huge Mistake

The supposedly “unsinkable” Titanic, history’s biggest passenger liner at the time, famously struck an iceberg and sank on its maiden voyage. There was not one single mistake, but a series of mistakes, each reinforcing and amplifying the other mistakes, that made the Titanic’s sinking so deadly. However, of all those mistakes, there was one, that if had been avoided, might have averted the whole tragedy. It began just before the Titanic sailed from Southampton to New York on April 10th, 1912, when the Titanic’s second officer, David Blair, was replaced with the more experienced Charles Lightoller.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
The key to the locker containing the Titanic’s binoculars. The Telegraph

However, Blair never got around to giving, and Lightoller never got around to asking for, the keys to a locker that contained the ship’s binoculars. So the Titanic sailed with lookouts who lacked binoculars. During the days-long voyage before disaster struck, nobody figured that binoculars might be necessary for lookouts. If they did, then in an even more astonishing display of mistaken priorities, they did not deem the safety of the ship worth breaking the lock to get the binoculars.

Read More: 8 Surprising Facts About the Sinking of the Titanic.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
The Titanic going under. Corbis

18. Oversight Leads to Deadly Tragedy

Four days into the Titanic’s voyage, around 11:40 PM on the night of April 14th, 1912, lookout Frederick Fleet spotted an iceberg in the ship’s path, and alerted the bridge. The officer in charge ordered the engines stopped and the ship steered around the obstacle. Unfortunately, given the distance to the iceberg when the alarm was sounded, the Titanic’s speed at the time, and the ship’s mass, disaster was inevitable. Basic physics made it impossible for the mammoth ship to maneuver away in time to avoid a collision. The “unsinkable” Titanic struck the iceberg, and sank.

Of the 2224 passengers and crew aboard the ship, over 1500 lost their lives, making it one of modern history’s worst peacetime maritime disasters. In the subsequent investigation, lookout Frederick Fleet testified that he would have spotted the iceberg sooner, and the ship would thus have had more reaction time to steer away from the iceberg, if he’d only had binoculars.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
Japanese military manpower in what of was left of the empire on August 15th, 1945, when Japan finally threw in the towel. US Army Center of Military History

17. The Controversy Surrounding the Atomic Bombing of Japan

After WWII, critics of the atomic bombing of Japan claimed that it was unnecessary because Japan was about to surrender. Supposedly, the Allies simply had to blockade Japan, and the Japanese government would have given in. However, the war was not confined to Japan’s home islands, where the Japanese could have been isolated. At the war’s end, Japan still held an extensive empire in the Pacific and Asia, in which hundreds of millions were subjected to a barbaric occupation.

Additionally, millions of Japanese soldiers were still fighting Allied forces in China, Burma, and in the Pacific. Whether or not the Japanese homeland was blockaded, the war still went on beyond Japan. Also, the Japanese held hundreds of thousands of Allied POWs, whom they treated brutally. In short, every day the war continued was another day in which millions suffered, and in which thousands more became casualties. So Japan’s enemies were justified in treating her as a formidable foe who was inflicting significant harm every day and would continue to do so indefinitely if not stopped.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
Churchill, Truman, and Stalin at the Potsdam Conference. Deseret News

16. History’s Deadliest Translation Mistake

The Allies were not mistaken in dealing with Japan as a menace that needed putting down ASAP. However, a simple mistake in translation might have determined when and how the US went about putting Japan down. It led to the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. As such, it might have been the most momentous translation mistake in history.

It began with the Proclamation Defining Terms for Japanese Surrender, also known as the Potsdam Declaration, which was issued by the Allies on July 26th, 1945. America, which had successfully tested the atomic bomb ten days earlier, along with her allies, issued a blunt statement calling for the surrender of all Japanese armed forces. It was an ultimatum, warning Japan that if it did not surrender, it would face “prompt and utter destruction“.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
Mushroom clouds over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Dunia History

15. Mistake About Nuance Leads to the Deaths of Hundreds of Thousands

The terms of the Potsdam Declaration were hotly debated within the Japanese government. Subsequently, Prime Minister Kantaro Suzuki stated at a press conference that Japan’s policy towards the Potsdam Declaration would be one of “mokusatsu“. It was a Japanese word which meant that he had received the message, and was giving it serious consideration.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
Translation of a leaflet dropped on Japanese cities after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. Harry S. Truman Library

Unfortunately, Japanese is a subtle language, in which the same word could convey a variety of meanings. Another meaning for mokusatsu is to “contemptuously ignore“, and that was the meaning that translators gave to President Harry Truman. 10 days later, the B-29 Enola Gay flew from Tinian to drop an atomic bomb on Hiroshima.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
French chef. 123RF

14. Minor Mistakes Drive French Chef to Melodramatic Extremes

French chefs having fits of histrionics might be a cartoon and comedy cliché. However, there actually have been histrionic French chefs who, on an overwrought drama scale of one to ten, took things up to eleven. Once such was Francois Vatel, who after a series of minor mistakes and misunderstandings surrounding a banquet, took the melodrama to an extreme by killing himself.

Francois Vatel (1631 – 1671) was born Fritz Karl Watel in Switzerland. In his youth, he headed to France, where he apprenticed as a pastry cook, then went to work for Nicolas Fouquet, who became King Louis XIV’s finance minister. Vatel became a celebrated master chef, often credited (inaccurately) for inventing Chantilly cream. He was not just a chef, however: Vatel rose within Fouquet’s household to become his majordomo – the highest-ranking employee in an aristocrat’s household.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
Vatel’s first aristocratic employer, Nicolas Fouquet. Wikimedia

13. A Minister’s Mistake

In 1661, Francois Vatel supervised the grandiloquent inauguration fete of Fouquet’s chateau Vaux-le-Vicomte – now a famous tourist site southeast of Paris. Vatel did an amazing job, and the fete was a splendid affair. It was a triumph for Vatel, but a catastrophe for his employer, Fouquet. The festivities turned out to be too splendid, and that was a mistake: King Louis XIV grew jealous of his finance minister’s opulence. The king fired Fouquet and threw him in jail, charged him with maladministration of state funds and lese majeste, and kept him locked up until his death in 1680.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
The Grande Conde, who hired Francois Vatel after the chef’s previous employer was imprisoned. Wikimedia

Out of a job, Vatel did not remain unemployed for long – apparently, throwing a party so great as to arouse the Sun King’s jealousy and ruin one’s boss was a CV plus in the French aristocracy’s eyes. He was quickly snatched up by Prince Louis II de Bourbon-Conde, also known as the Grand Conde, who made Vatel his master chef and majordomo.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
The Chateau de Chantilly at the time of Francois Vatel and his boss, The Grand Conde. Wikimedia

12. Minor Mistakes at a Major Banquet

Francois Vatel was put in charge of a grand banquet for 2000 people, scheduled at the Chateau de-Chantilly for April 25th, 1671, in honor of King Louis XIV. The banquet was scheduled on short notice, and Vatel, who had only 15 days to prepare, got stressed out by a series of minor mishaps and mistakes.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
Francois Vatel. History Blog

During a preliminary dinner a few days before the banquet, there were more guests than expected, and two out of twenty-six tables went without roast. A mortified Vatel wept that he had lost honor and could not bear the shame. Reassurances that the dinner had gone great, and that the king was pleased, did not comfort Vatel, who kept obsessing about the roast-less tables. Later that night, a grand display of fireworks flopped because fog and low clouds descended. That depressed Vatel even further.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
Francois Vatel’s suicide. Le Parisien

11. Mistake Leads to Suicide

The next day, things went from bad to worse for Vatel. Early on the morning of April 24th, one day before the banquet, the master chef encountered a supplier bringing two loads of fish, and asked him if that was all. The supplier, unaware that Vatel was referring to all fish from all suppliers, not just himself, replied that it was. That was the final straw for a frazzled Vatel, who had hardly slept for two weeks.

He had a nervous breakdown, and went into fits of histrionics, crying “I won’t survive this insult. My honor and reputation are at stake!” Unable to endure what he was sure would be a humiliation when the royal banquet flopped, Vatel grabbed a sword and ran himself through. It did not take long before the mistake was clarified and the misunderstanding resolved itself: fish from other suppliers began arriving soon thereafter. It was too late for Vatel, however. As the master chef lay dying of his wound, wagon loads of fish trundled their way into the Chateau de-Chantilly.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
The Son Tay prison camp. Wikimedia

10. Major Mistake Dooms the Vietnam War’s Most Ambitious Raid

On the night of November 20th, 1970, a raiding force of 56 US Army Special Forces, or Green Berets, assembled at an American base in Thailand. They made their final checks to make sure that all was good to go for their upcoming mission. The equipment passed muster, and the men were fired up and ready for one of the Vietnam War’s most ambitious raids.

The Green Berets then clambered aboard HH-3E “Jolly Green Giant” and HH-53E “Super Jolly Green Giant” helicopters, that flew them from their Thai staging base to execute Operation Ivory, a daring rescue mission. Their goal: free an estimated 65 American prisoners of war, held at Son Tay prison camp, about 20 miles west of the North Vietnamese capital of Hanoi. The plan was great, and its execution was impeccable. However, as seen below, it turned out to be all for nothing, because of a basic mistake.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
Special Forces assault group inside a helicopter before taking off for Son Tay. Wikimedia

9. The Son Tay Raid Was Executed Brilliantly

The Son Tay Raid was an exceptionally hazardous operation, whose success depended upon speed and precise execution. There were about 12,000 North Vietnamese soldiers within 5 miles of the camp, so it was vital that the raiders complete their mission quickly, and fly away before the enemy could react and bring overwhelming numbers to bear.

Three raider teams landed in Son Tay. The first intentionally crash-landed its helicopter at 2:19 AM in the middle of the camp, to get into position as quickly as possible. A mistake caused a second helicopter to land 400 yards away, at the guards’ headquarters. Its Special Forces attacked the headquarters and killed or wounded an estimated 100 guards. The third helicopter disembarked its attackers outside the camp complex, and they swiftly secured the perimeter, then helped secure the camp’s facility. So far, so good. Then they hit a snag: the prison held no prisoners.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
The Son Tay Raid. Warfare History

8. Tactical Success Undone by Major Intelligence Mistake

Operation Ivory was a brilliant tactical success. It accomplished its objective of seizing control of the camp within minutes of touching down, with the attackers sustaining only two injuries: one shot in the leg, while another broke an ankle. The absence of prisoners to rescue, however, made that tactical success meaningless. As it turned out, the mission was based on outdated intelligence. Months earlier, the POWs had been moved from Son Tay, which was adjacent to a river that was prone to flooding, and relocated to another prison camp. Within 26 minutes of landing, the Green Berets were airborne again, headed back to base.

So notwithstanding that the assault had succeeded tactically, the mission was an abject failure. The blame fell squarely on the shoulders of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and the other entities involved in the gathering and dissemination of the information upon which the raid was planned. In Operation Ivory’s aftermath, criticism of the intelligence mistakes that led to a risky operation to rescue prisoners from a prison camp that held no prisoners, led to an extensive overhaul and restructuring of the intelligence apparatus.

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Popeye gaining super strength. YouTube

7. Math Mistake Leads to Confusion About a Miracle Plant

Generations of children grew up and were entertained by Popeye the Sailor Man. Thanks to him, many kids have dreamt at some point in their early years that they could gain super powers by overcoming their distaste for spinach. Popeye’s love of spinach was popularized by a receptive public, primed by a widespread belief that spinach was an extraordinarily beneficial food item.

Sadly, Spinach is nothing special – at least insofar as bestowing super powers upon those who eat it. Kids who mastered their gag reflexes long enough to swallow the green stuff were not rewarded by an explosive increase in strength, prowess, or other abilities and talents. However, there was a silver lining, as the kids learned one of life’s early lessons: don’t believe everything you see on TV. As it turns out, the perception of Spinach being a super was caused by a math mistake.

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The mistake that gave rise to the spinach-is-a-super-food myth. Weltmurksbude

6. Decimal Point Placement Mistake Turns Spinach Into a Super Food

Popeye’s passion for spinach, as well as the popular faith in its exceptional qualities, was caused by a simple mathematical mistake. In 1870, German scientist Erich von Wolf was conducting research into the amount of iron in spinach and other vegetables. He discovered that spinach had an iron content of 3.5 milligrams per 100-gram serving.

However, when Wolf wrote his findings, he misplaced a decimal point, putting down spinach’s iron content as ten times greater than what it actually was: 35 milligrams of iron per 100-gram serving, instead of 3.5 milligrams. It was not until 1937 that somebody double-checked Wolf’s math, and spotted the error. By then, Popeye was already a cultural icon, and the spinach myth had taken hold.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
Hitler. The International Churchill Society

5. Hitler Mistakes Big Weapons For Effective Ones

Fortunately for mankind, Nazi Germany’s defeat in WWII was helped by some major mistakes by Adolf Hitler. One such was the Fuhrer’s foolhardy investment of scarce German resources in so-called “Miracle” or “Vengeance Weapons”. While some of those weapons were marvels of technology for their day, they did not bring Germany any closer to winning the war. Instead, they took away resources from more reliable weapons that could have done more to stave off eventual German defeat.

The German V-2 rocket, or “Vengeance Weapon 2“, was a prime example of Hitler’s misplaced priorities. It was the world’s first ballistic missile, which carried a ton of explosives to the edge of space, then descended at unstoppable supersonic speeds to detonate on its target. It was a brilliant, advanced, and revolutionary feat of technology. It was also one of history’s most wastefully expensive weapons. It inflicted relatively little damage, and thus did not justify the vast expenditure of resources that went into its production. It detracted from more effective weapons programs or other uses that might have better served the German war effort.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
V-2 rocket. Rare Historical Photos

4. An Expensive Way to Deliver Explosives

Another factor highlighting Hitler’s mistake in putting so much faith in the V-2 rocket is its terrible cost-effectiveness. From its first operational launch against enemy targets in September, 1944, to Germany’s surrender nine months later, roughly 3000 V-2 rockets were fired. Many did not reach their targets. However, even if they all had, at one ton of explosives per V2 warhead, that would have been a total of 3000 tons of explosives dropped on enemy cities over nine months.

By contrast, during that same period, the Royal Air Force would routinely drop more than 3000 tons of explosives on a German city in a single bombing raid. Americans also frequently exceeded that 3000 ton total in single bombing raids. And the Allied explosive delivery tools, bombers, were reusable and thus far more economical. Most Allied bombers returned to base, reloaded, and returned the next day or night to once again drop more than 3000 tons of explosives on German cities. They repeated that process dozens of times.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
V-2 rocket launch. Quora

3. A Weapon That Killed More of its Makers Than the Enemy

During its nine months of deployment, the V-2 rocket killed 2754 people. Most of them were not soldiers, but civilians whose deaths, while tragic, did not impede the Allied war effort by much.

By contrast, over 20,000 workers, mostly slave laborers, died while manufacturing the V-2. That gave the rocket the tragic distinction of being the only weapons system in history whose production cost more lives than did its actual use. Thus, when contrasting the cost with the results, the V-2 literally produced little bang for the buck.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
A Maus captured by the Soviets. Wikimedia

2. A Giant Mistake

Another of Hitler’s mistakes stemming from his obsession with big weapons was the Panzer VIII Maus super-heavy tank. It was the heaviest tank ever built, measuring about 33 feet long, 12 feet wide, 12 feet high, and weighing nearly 200 tons. Its secondary armament was a 75 mm coaxial gun instead of a machine gun. Its main gun was a 128 mm monster capable of destroying any Allied tank at ranges of up to 2.2 miles. That was increased at Hitler’s insistence to a 150mm gun, because he thought the 128 mm looked like a toy gun on the Maus.

The huge size and heavyweight came at a correspondingly heavy price. The Maus was too heavy for most bridges, so it had to cross rivers either by wading through fords, or driving over the river’s bottom while using a snorkel for ventilation. Additionally, getting the Maus moving was a problem in of itself. It was difficult to develop an engine and drive train powerful enough to propel 200 tons of metal on the ground at any appreciable speed, yet small enough to fit inside the tank. In the end, the maximum speed achieved during trials was 8 m.p.h. on a hard surface.

A Surgeon With 300% Mortality Rate From a Single Operation and Other Historic Screwups
Panzer VIII Maus size comparison. WWII in Pictures

1. Hitler’s Mistakes With Super Weapons Helped Hasten His Defeat

The Maus was intended to spearhead German attacks by smashing through opposition and destroying all enemy armor it came across, while impervious to damage from enemy tanks. With 9.4 inches of turret armor, 8 inches of hull front armor, 7 inches of hull side armor, and 6 inches of rear armor, the Maus was immune from Allied tanks, whose shells would simply bounce off the behemoth. However, it was built in 1944, by which time the Allies had complete aerial supremacy over the battlefield. The Maus did not have sufficient armor up top to protect it from armor-piercing bombs or rockets from above.

Ultimately, the Maus was symptomatic of Hitler’s irrational obsession with big things and superweapons. He was indifferent to, or unable to understand, the concept of relative cost-effectiveness. He had trouble grasping other “normal” weapons that could accomplish the same task at a fraction of the cost. Using such normal weapons instead of turning to superweapons would have freed up scarce resources for other uses that could have better served the German war effort. Fortunately, Hitler persisted with his mistakes, which only helped to hasten his defeat.


Where Did We Find This Stuff? Some Sources and Further Reading

Atlantic, The, October 24th, 2012 – ‘Time Me Gentlemen’: The Fastest Surgeon of the 19th Century

Bartov, Omer – The Eastern Front, 1941-1945: German Troops and the Barbarisation of Warfare (2001)

Business Insider, June 16th, 2017 – Spinach Doesn’t Have As Much of a Key Nutrient Needed in Your Blood as You Might Think

History Collection – Absurd Medical History Moments that Prove People Have Always been this Dumb

Clark, Alan – Barbarossa: The Russian-German Conflict, 1941-1945 (1985)

Cracked – How a Surgeon Once Killed Three People in One Operation

Daily Mail, July 3rd, 2013 – Sorry Popeye, Spinach DOESN’T Make Your Muscles Big: Expert Reveals Sailor’s Love of the Food Was Due to a Misplaced Decimal Point

Dungan, Tracy D. – V-2: A Combat History of the First Ballistic Missile (2005)

Erenow – 100 Mistakes That Changed History: A Math Error, 1492

History Collection – 8 Medical Practices From Medieval Times That Will Turn Your Stomach

Extreme Tech – Tech Wrecks: Lessons From Some of the Biggest Hardware Screwups

Gargus, John – The Son Tay Raid: American POWs in Vietnam Were Not Forgotten (2007)

History Net – The Truth About Tidal Wave

Montefiore, Simon Sebag – Stalin: The Court of the Red Tsar (2005)

Murphy, David E. – What Stalin Knew: The Enigma of Barbarossa (2005)

Pangeanic – The Worst Translation Mistake in History

History Collection – History’s Failed Military Weapons

Searching in History – Tragic Death of Francois Vatel

Tank Encyclopedia – Panzer VIII Maus

Telegraph, The, August 29th, 2007 – Key That Could Have Saved the Titanic

Time Magazine, September 28th, 2015 – How Being a Slob Helped Alexander Fleming Discover Penicillin

Wikipedia – Operation Tidal Wave

Wikipedia – V-2 Rocket
