You know about the original seven wonders of the world or the ancient world. You might have also heard about the new seven wonders of the world. Some of these include the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, The Great Pyramid of Giza, and The Lighthouse of Alexandria.
Even though everyone knows there are seven wonders of the world, people continue to look for the eighth wonder of the world. It also doesn’t stop people from talking about the eighth wonder – and it seems like we all have our own opinions. Some people believe that the eighth wonder of the world comes from a natural creation, while other people feel it is an ancient man-made creation. Read the places that dare to be number eight and see what you believe.
32. The Original Seven Wonders of the World

The original seven wonders of the world, also known as the ancient world, developed from Philo of Byzantium’s work called On The Seven Wonders. The establishment of the original seven wonders started in 225 B.C.E. Today, the only remaining ancient wonder that you can visit is The Great Pyramid of Giza.
The other six ancient wonders included the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Statue of Zeus at Olympia, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes, which inspired the creation of the Statue of Liberty, and the Lighthouse at Alexandria.