40 Disturbing Facts About Ted Bundy

40 Disturbing Facts About Ted Bundy

Trista - February 4, 2019

Ted Bundy is one of the most infamous serial killers to date. By now, you’ve seen the internet abuzz with the recent Netflix release and the upcoming movie, Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile. While there is debate surrounding these latest releases, it is fair to say: there aren’t many other serial killers that can compare to how twisted Ted Bundy became and the details of his murders can send chills up anyone’s spine.

Other than his purely evil and manipulative nature, many believed Bundy was one of the nicest people they had ever met. He enrolled in law school and worked for a suicide prevention hotline. In fact, when the details started to emerge about his murders, people became shocked. Many who knew him said they never imagined he would become capable of such crimes.

40. His Father’s Identity Is Not Certain

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A young Ted Bundy and his mother. Tumblr/ Crime Viral.

No one really knows who Ted Bundy’s father is. The name of his father listed on his birth certificate is Lloyd Marshall, an Air Force Veteran. However, later in Bundy’s life, his mother, Eleanor Louise Cowell, stated that his birth father was a sailor by the name of Jack Worthington. However, many people feel that Cowell wasn’t honest about who Bundy’s father was because she wanted to hide one of the darkest secrets of her life, that her father, Samuel Cowell, raped and impregnated her. No evidence proves that Samuel Cowell fathered his grandson.

39. He Spent A Few Years In College With His Girlfriend

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Ted Bundy as a senior in high school in 1965. Associated students, Woodrow Wilson High School – Nova, yearbook of Woodrow Wilson High School, Tacoma, Washington/ Wikimedia Commons/ Public Domain.

In 1965, Ted Bundy graduated from high school and went off to college. He first went to the University of Puget Sound (UPS). The future killer stayed at UPS for about a year before he transferred to the University of Washington, where he began to study in an intensive Chinese language program, in 1966. It was around this time, he met a young lady whom we know by many pseudonyms from Bundy’s biographies, but she is most commonly called Stephanie Brooks. In 1968, Bundy dropped out of the University of Washington and started working minimum wage jobs. Around this time, Brooks ended their relationship, citing Bundy’s immaturity.

38. For Years He Thought His Mother Was His Sister

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Ted Bundy with his mother and siblings. Crime Viral.

Ted Bundy came into this world on November 24, 1946. His mother gave birth to him at the Elizabeth Lund Home for Unwed Mothers. From there, he went to go live with his maternal grandparents in Philadelphia. His grandparents raised him like he was their son and his birth mother was his older sister. The reason behind this was the family didn’t want to deal with any social stigma. Some people believe Bundy found out the truth when a cousin showed him his birth certificate. Others say he found out himself around 1969 when he found his birth certificate.

37. He Never Fully Got Over Stephanie Brooks

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Rita Jolly, one of Ted Bundy’s victims from 1973. Fandom.

During and for a while after his college days, Ted Bundy dated a woman whom many know as Stephanie Brooks. Today, we know Stephanie’s real name is Diane Edwards and that the couple was indeed in love, at least for a period. The couple became briefly engaged but separated when Stephanie couldn’t handle Bundy’s immature ways, crazy streaks, and lack of ambition. People believe he never fully got over losing Stephanie as there is a resemblance between Stephanie and most of Bundy’s victims. Similarities include long brown hair, white females, and college students between 15 to 25 years old.

36. Author Ann Rule Worked With Bundy

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A photo of Ann Rule on the phone. Hello Giggles.

Ted Bundy and future true-crime author Ann Rule worked together at the suicide prevention hotline in Seattle during Bundy’s early adult years, before becoming a serial killer. At the time, he was going to college and dating “Stephanie Edwards.” Later, Ann Rule would become one of those among the shocked people to learn about Bundy’s secret life. When questioned about her days with Bundy, Rule stated that he was very skilled at his job as a volunteer and helpful towards the callers. She said he helped ease many callers and saved hundreds of lives.

35. Ted Bundy’s Grandfather Had A Temper

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A young Ted Bundy with his grandfather Samuel Cowell, and possibly also his father. Just Not Said/ Blogspot.

Many people who researched Ted Bundy and the reasons behind his serial killer ways believe that one of the factors was Bundy’s grandfather, Samuel Cowell. Relatives of Bundy stated that his grandfather was known for his explosive temper and obsession with pornography. People indicate that his grandfather showed Bundy his large collection of pornography, which included violent sex acts. Many believe this is what started Bundy’s obsession. On top of this, some people think that Samuel wasn’t only Bundy’s birth father but also molested Bundy as a child.

34. People Started Making Connections After Disappearances From Lake Sammamish Park

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Ted Bundy smiles in police custody. AP/ NY Post.

In July of 1974, two women, Janice Ott and Denise Nusland, who attended a Lake Sammamish Park picnic disappeared during the event. In “Conversations With A Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes” on Netflix, interviewers from the cases state that these disappearances gave them apparent details. First, they learned the suspect was a male who was injured as he had a cast on his arm and stated he needed help loading up his sailboat. Through the witnesses at the park, the police were able to get a sketch of the suspect.

33. Contractors Claim Bundy’s Childhood Home Is Haunted

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Ted Bundy’s childhood home. Crime Feed.

Ted Bundy grew up in Tacoma, Washington. Recently, a construction company called Extreme Contracting received the bid of remodeling Bundy’s childhood home. They started work in September 2016 and immediately noticed strange events inside the house. While some workers claimed they heard doorknobs jingle, others stated they would listen to knocking on the door, but no one would be on the other side. In about seven months, the crew noticed at least 30 strange occurrences including two notes written in the home with one reading “leave” in sawdust and the other “help me” in the dirt in the basement.

32. Bundy Didn’t Just Attack Female Adults, He Killed Young Girls Too

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An undated photo of Kimberly Leach, a victim of serial killer Ted Bundy.
Anonymous/ Associated Press/ Deseret News.

While Bundy was in Florida during 1978, he went on another killing spree. One of Bundy’s Florida victims was 12-year-old Kimberly Leach, who disappeared from her Lake City Junior High School on February 9th. She went to retrieve her purse from homeroom, and no one ever saw her alive again. In the Netflix documentary, prosecutor George Dekle stated they had much evidence to link Bundy to the crime, such as a witness who saw Bundy bringing Leach to a white van, her blood and fibers from her clothing in the van, and shoe tracks.

31. He Also Rescued A Young Boy From Drowning

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One of the many mugshots of Ted Bundy. Hub Pages.

One of the most prominent personality characteristics that threw everyone off who knew Ted Bundy was he could be a very helpful person. Not only did he save dozens of lives while working at a suicide prevention hotline, but he also rescued a young boy from drowning. The life-saving event occurred in 1970 when a three-year-old boy left his parents’ side and fell into Seattle’s Green Lake. Witnesses recalled Bundy immediately jumping into Green Lake to save the child from death. This would be around the time where either Bundy started his serial killing spree or right before.

30. Bundy Served As His Own Lawyer In Court

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Ted Bundy praying in court. True Crime Mag.

While in college, Ted Bundy dreamed of one day becoming a lawyer. After obtaining his undergraduate degree in Psychology, Bundy got accepted into law school in 1973; however, he dropped out a year later. But this did not stop Bundy from often acting as his own attorney during his Florida Trial, even though he had attorneys present. The Netflix documentary explains Bundy asked to take part of his own defense when he stated that his lawyer believed him to be guilty. After the judge denied Bundy’s lawyer’s withdrawal from the case, the lawyer became advisory council, and Bundy became co-counsel.

29. Bundy Asked His Witness To Marry Him During Kimberly Leach’s Trial

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Carole Ann Boone. Oxygen.

Bundy, who represented himself during his trial for the murder of Kimberly Leach, questioned his witness, Carole Ann Boone about his character. She answered favorably, which is when Bundy asked Boone to marry him. She agreed. The Netflix documentary discusses this announcement by George Dekle stating he believed it was one of Bundy’s tricks towards the jury and asked the jury to consider the timing of the marriage proposal. Dekle felt it was Bundy’s way to say that the jury couldn’t convict him on his wedding day.

28. Bundy Did Not Feel Guilt or Remorse On Death Row

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Ted Bundy with his former girlfriend “Stephanie.” Tumblr.

In the Netflix documentary, “Conversation with A Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes” Michaud stated that Ted Bundy didn’t feel remorse for the killings. Bundy is recorded saying that he didn’t feel guilty and it wasn’t because he closed off a part of his mind or forgot anything. Instead, he states that he has a better understanding of his actions. He further states that guilt is used to control people and it’s not a healthy mechanism. Michaud notes during his documentary interview that Bundy seemed to show pride.

27. His Stories Never Matched Up

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Newspaper clipping from 1974 warning women to be cautious of Ted Bundy. I Waste So Much Time.com.

The most significant problem investigators had with Ted Bundy is his stories never matched up. When he met with one psychologist, he told him in 1969, while visiting family in Pennsylvania, he killed two women. He said to another psychologist that he attempted his first kidnapping in 1969 while living in Seattle but the first time he murdered a woman was in 1971. While Bundy spoke to homicide detective Robert D. Keppel, Bundy told him that he killed one woman in 1972 and another in 1973. However, he never talked more about these murders.

26. No One Knows How Many Women Bundy Murdered

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Confirmed victims from January to June 1974. All That’s Interesting.

Ted Bundy only gave a number to the women he raped, tortured, and murdered before his execution in the electric chair. When he gave this number, he stated about 30 women. However, many people believe that Bundy killed several more women. The estimated number of women and young girls murdered by Bundy is about 100. The problem is because he never told one person everything and usually left many details out, investigators couldn’t find out the exact number. Plus, no one knows when Bundy started murdering people, and the question will probably remain a mystery.

25. Bundy Tried His Hand In Politics

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Ted Bundy in court. Time & Life Pictures/ Getty Image/ Escapist Magazine.

In Netflix’s documentary “Conversations With A Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes” Bundy explains that Diane Edwards, his girlfriend during college, inspired him to do more with his life. Therefore, he decided to try his hand in politics. He started volunteering for the Republican Party for the state of Seattle. He joined Governor Daniel E. Evan’s re-election campaign and when Evans was re-elected, became an assistant to Ross Davis. In the documentary, Bundy states that he enjoyed politics because it allowed him to use his natural talent and assertiveness.

24. Bundy Worked For The Seattle Crime Prevention Advisory Commission

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Ted Bundy’s weapons and supplies, which were found in his car in August 1975. Wikimedia Commons.

Netflix’s documentary, “Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes” discusses how Bundy worked for the Seattle Crime Prevention Advisory Commission. In the documentary, Bundy states that this gave him access to crime statistics, especially for the section he worked on, which was crimes against women, particularly rape. He would study the information and then give them advice on how they could work to prevent rape. Through this work, Bundy noticed that police department didn’t always know what to do and realized someone who knew the way police worked could get away with these crimes.

23. He Attacked Four Women In A Sorority House

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Ted Bundy’s FBI photo that was used after he was placed on the Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list in 1978. Wikimedia Commons/ Public Domain.

Ted Bundy escaped a Florida jail in 1978 and then broke into Florida State University’s Chi Omega sorority house. He only spent 20 minutes in the house, but during that time he raped and brutally murdered two women, Margaret Bowman and Lisa Levy. He also savagely beat two other women who tried to escape the house. Both these women received a broken jaw, lacerations, and missing teeth. However, Bundy didn’t stop there. After leaving the sorority, he walked a few blocks and then broke into another woman’s house where he beat her as well.

22. He Helped Set Up A Database to Help Capture Serial Killers

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Gary Leon Ridgway, the Green River Killer in court. Joshua Trujillo/ Seattle Pi.

During 1984, the FBI worked to create a computer database which would help them catch serial killers through analyzing patterns. To help create a profile, FBI agents started talking to serial killers, such as Bundy. In the Netflix documentary, Michaud explains that Bundy informed the FBI that law enforcement needed to change their procedures for these types of crimes because new criminals were coming forth. Bundy discussed how serial killers return to the crime scene and leave evidence to throw law enforcement off. This database helped capture many serial killers, such as Gary Ridgway, the Green River Killer.

21. His Attorney Believes Bundy’s First Victim Was A Man

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A picture of John Henry Browne with Bundy in court in the 1970s. Bettman/ CORBIS/ Daily Mail.

John Henry Browne became one of Bundy’s attorneys during the 1970s. According to Browne, he is the only person that Bundy admitted to murdering over 100 people. Browne states that Bundy told him he didn’t just murder women but men too. Bundy told Browne that his first victim was a male. Of course, this is only one man’s story to the many that Ted Bundy gave to several investigators, psychologists, and attorneys. However, Browne, who recently wrote a book called The Devil’s Defender, claims that this is relevant information because he didn’t tell anyone else.

20. Bundy Used His Personality To Lure His Victims

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Caryn Campbell, murder victim of Ted Bundy, killed Jan. 12, 1975. Wikimedia Commons.

One of the truths of Ted Bundy is, while he committed dozens of twisted murders, he could turn on his charismatic personality if he wanted to. He showed this part of his character throughout his life, which is why the people who knew him best were shocked about his crimes. Bundy also used his charming personality to lure his victims to come with him. He did this by acting disabled, in need of some help, or serving as an authority figure. He would bring the victims to a private location to commit his crimes.

19. He Would Sometimes Return To His Crime Scene

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Ted Bundy crime scene. Rebel Circus.

For Ted Bundy, it wasn’t enough to commit the crime and dispose of the body. Through investigation and interviews with Bundy, people found out that he would often return to the scene of the crime. Upon return, he would reimagine the scenario, sometimes critiquing himself to see how he could perfect the offense with his next victim. Sometimes he would become aroused when imagining the crime. Bundy would occasionally return to the scene of the crime until the wild animals destroyed the location.

18. Bundy Abused The Victim Bodies

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Ted Bundy’s 1968 Volkswagen Beetle on display at the now-defunct National Museum of Crime & Punishment. Wikimedia Commons.

Ted Bundy’s attraction to his victims didn’t end once he murdered them. If he left the corpse at the location, Bundy would return from time to time. When he did, he would become interested and continue his sexual fantasies on the carcass until decomposition made it impossible or they were torn up by wild animals. In the Netflix documentary, an FBI investigator states the body showed post-mortem mutilation on the breast. Later in the documentary, Bundy admitted to performing Sexual Abuse two days before his execution.

17. Some Of Ted Bundy’s Victims Survived

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Ted Bundy in a police lineup. Police Handout/ Crime Online.

Ted Bundy became an extremely violent man throughout his life. Some of his victims he brutally beat but didn’t kill. Whether Bundy thought they would die from the beating and left them for dead or didn’t care if they lived or died is subject to speculation. However, a few of his victims he planned to kill made it out alive. In fact, one of these victims from Salt Lake City identified Bundy in a police lineup in 1975.

16. He Used A Variety Of Weapons During His Attacks

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Ted Bundy by his car and a second image with the passenger seat removed. Police Handout/ Crime Online.

Ted Bundy didn’t just use his hands to rape and kill his victims. While people aren’t sure that we even know all the weapons Ted Bundy used throughout his serial killer career, we do know that he used a tire iron, various knives, a gun, and other items he beat his victims. He also used any foreign object he could to sexually assault his victims before and after their death.

15. Bundy Kept Souvenirs From His Victims

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Lynda Healy’s room. King County Sheriff’s Office/ Crime Online.

While some details about Bundy’s murders came into light before cops arrested him due to the similarities of the crimes, much information did not emerge until after his arrest and trial in Florida. One of these details was Bundy kept souvenirs from his victims. Not only did he take pictures of his victims, after the crime, but he also kept body parts, such the victim’s head. When asked about this, Bundy simply stated that when you work so hard to do something correctly, you want to souvenir.

14. He Escaped To Freedom During His Trial

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Pitkin County Courthouse, Aspen, Colorado where Ted Bundy escaped by jumping from the second story window on June 7, 1977. Vidor/ Wikimedia Commons/ Public Domain.

Ted Bundy used all the advantages he could think of while serving as his lawyer during his late 1970s and early 1980s trial in Florida. While he acted as his attorney, the judge allowed Bundy not to be locked up in shackles during his trial. This loophole proved to be a mistake when Bundy asked if he could be excused to use the law library during a break so he could study his case. The judge allowed this, but while Bundy checked things out in the library, he found a window and escaped.

13. Bundy Hid For Nearly A Week

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Ted Bundy in Tallahassee during his triple murder indictment, July 1978. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory./ Wikimedia Commons/ Public Domain.

After escaping from the law library, Bundy hid around the area for nearly a week before authorities captured him again. Even though Bundy fractured his ankle when he jumped from the second story of the building, he walked through Aspen getting rid of his outer layer of clothing. Bundy then broke into a hunting cabin where he took a gun and some food. From there he wandered around the forest, missing two trials which would have led him to his desired location. Six days later, a cop spotted a weaving car and, upon pulling the vehicle over, found Bundy.

12. He Escaped A Second Time

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Images from a wanted poster for Ted Bundy. Morgan County Sheriff’s Office Facebook/ Westward.

Ted Bundy found a way to escape a second time, this time while living in prison. One day, Bundy noticed a one square foot wide hole in the corner of his cell’s ceiling. He then lost about 35 pounds and escaped on December 23, 1977. To make it look like he was sleeping in his bed, Bundy piled files and books under his blanket. Authorities never found him until a couple of months later, on February 15, 1978. During this time, we know he murdered at least two college women and brutally beat a few others.

11. Bundy Bit His Victims

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Odontologist Richard Souviron explaining bite mark evidence at the Chi Omega trial.
Mark T. Foley/ State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory/ Wikimedia Commons/ Public Domain.

While Ted Bundy did many cruel things to his victims, biting was one of them that eventually helped put him in prison. Nearly all of Bundy’s victims, that are acknowledged to be his anyway, had bite marks all over their body, including the breasts, stomach, and butt. Bundy bit one of his victims so hard that he took off her nipple. To connect Bundy to his crimes, he received an impression of his teeth, which matched the bite marks on his victims.

10. Ann Rule Wrote A Book About Ted Bundy

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Ann Rule in 1984 with “The Stranger Beside Me,” her best-selling 1980 study of the serial killer Ted Bundy. Doug Wilson/ NY Times.

Ann Rule wrote about many true crime stories and this included killers. One of her most popular books was about Ted Bundy and his life as a serial killer. Rule, who worked with Bundy at the suicide prevention hotline, titled her book, The Stranger Beside Me. The story received publication in 1980 and quickly became a best seller. In the text, Rule also discusses her reaction to Bundy’s crimes, which included not believing he committed the crimes.

9. Bundy Trained For His Killing Binges

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In a room at the Garfield County Jail in Glenwood Springs, Colorado, Ted Bundy peers beyond the page of the book he is reading. Jerry Gay/ Herald Net.

Whether he treated murder like a sport because of his obsession or, to him, it really became a sport is unknown. What we do know is that Bundy trained for his killing sprees. He even had what he called an “off-season” where he would pick up different women and then let them go to keep his skills fresh. To Bundy, killing was like basketball or cooking and required regular practice.

8. Ted Bundy Had A Fan Club While On Trial And In Prison

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A handwritten letter by Bundy. Atoz Handwriting.

Several criminals have a fan club once they become famous. One of the most notable of these criminals, other than Charles Manson, is Ted Bundy. Even though Boone and Bundy remained married for the beginning of his final prison stay, women swarmed around everything Bundy. They would send him letters writing about how much they loved him and stood by him. Thousands of women around the United States called him hot and sexy.

7. Bundy Received The Death Penalty

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A white hearse leaved Florida State Prison, which contained the body of Ted Bundy who was electrocuted in Florida’s electric chair on January 24, 1989. AP Photo/ Mark Foley/ Crime Online.

On February 10, 1980, the day after Ted Bundy proposed and married Carole Ann Boone while she sat on the witness stand citing his innocence, the judge handed Ted Bundy his sentence. For the third time, the judge gave Ted Bundy death by electrocution. Both Boone and Bundy became irate and yelled, continuing to proclaim his innocence. However, nine years later, the third death sentence would go through.

6. Bundy Had A Daughter With Boone And Possibly Other Children

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Carole Boone, Ted Bundy, and their daughter. De10.com.mx/ Peru.com.

A year after Bundy and Boone married in court, Boone gave birth to a daughter, whom they named Rose. The Netflix documentary, “Conversations with Ted Bundy: The Ted Bundy Tapes” discussed that some feel that Ted Bundy. However, four years later, Bundy admitted to multiple murders making Boone divorce him. Since then the daughter changed her name and lived out of public eye. While this is Bundy’s only known daughter, many people believe he fathered more children.

5. Netflix Released A Documentary About Ted Bundy

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Ted Bundy leaving the Leon County, Florida court in 1979. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory/ Wikimedia Commons/ Public Domain.

On January 24, 2019, the streaming service Netflix released season one of the Conversations With a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes. This is a documentary series which features interviews of Ted Bundy while he sat on death row. Season one features four episodes that include archival footage and present-day interviews from those involved with Ted Bundy along with audio recordings. While the series seems to be a great hit on Netflix, it has also received a fair amount of criticism. Nonetheless, it’s a way to get inside the mind of serial killer Ted Bundy, if you want to.

4. Once Again, Women Say Ted Bundy Is Hot

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Zac Efron as Ted Bundy. The Wrap/ Sundance Institute/ Wikimedia Commons.

Recently, Netflix sent out a note asking for women to stop talking about how hot Ted Bundy is. The streaming service tweeted that there are thousands of hot men on Netflix and very few of them are serial killers. The streaming services do not understand why women are discussing the hotness of Ted Bundy, through creating memes, after viewing their documentary, Conversations With a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes. However, for some of these women, the meme could relate to Zac Efron, who is starring as Ted Bundy in an upcoming movie.

3. People Celebrated After Ted Bundy Died

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FSU’s Chi Phi fraternity celebrated the execution of Ted Bundy with a large banner that read, “Watch Ted Fry, See Ted Die!” in 1989. Bettmann/ Getty Images/ All That’s Interesting.

While some people protested the execution of Ted Bundy, most people celebrated his death. The man of pure evil finally received his death sentence, and by 6 a.m. the morning of his execution, people buzzed to the fence of the Florida State Prison. That morning, at least 500 people showed up around the time Bundy got his head shaved. Some people sold t-shirts about the event while others created “smoked” Bundy burgers to sell. In the Netflix documentary, interviewees state that people chanted “burn Bundy burn” and set off fireworks.

2. Two Days Before His Execution Date, Bundy Confessed To 30 Murders

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Ted Bundy in a Miami courtroom in 1979. Donn Dughi / State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory/ Wikimedia Commons/ Public Domain.

In the Netflix documentary “Conversations with A Killer” Bundy discusses they were able to come up with 30 murders he committed within seven states, which included California, Washington, Florida, Idaho, Utah, Oregon, and Colorado, between the years 1973 and 1978. After being asked, Bundy admitted to burying roughly ten of these victims. Hagmaier then asked Bundy around how many of the victims he beheaded. Bundy responded by guessing about 6 out of the 30. During this time, Bundy spoke about how he practiced necrophilia for the first time.

1. Ted Bundy Received Execution By The Electric Chair

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SSA Bill Hagmaier and Ted Bundy during their final death row interview the night before his execution in 1989. United States Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation/ Wikimedia Commons.

On the day of his execution, Bundy talked to Hagmaier about how he didn’t want them to kill him and said killing him is just society’s way of getting an eye for an eye. While people partied and awaited news of his death outside, Bundy continued to pray and read his Bible. During this time, Bundy started to show remorse by crying. Witnesses to Bundy’s execution state in the Netflix documentary that when Bundy walked into the death chamber, he looked white as a sheet. Ted Bundy died on January 24, 1989, at the age of 42.


Where did we find this stuff? Here are our sources:

“The Rumors About Ted Bundy’s Mom and Dad Are Very Disturbing”, by Meghan Demaria, Cosmopolitan, AUG 25, 2021

“Who Was Ted Bundy’s Father — A War Veteran, A Sailor, Or His Actual Grandfather?” by Sharon Lynn Pruitt, Oxygen, January 24, 2019

“Who Was Ted Bundy’s Mom, Eleanor Louise Cowell?” by Katie Serena, All That’s Interesting, June 19, 2019

“Does Ted Bundy’s Childhood Hold The Key To His Madness?”, by Katie Serena, All That’s Interesting, June 25, 2019

“Ted Bundy Trivia: 33 interesting facts about the serial killer.” Evita Gorgorni, Useless Daily. May 2017.

“10 Odd Facts About Ted Bundy.” The List Love. September 2014.

“15 Little Known Facts About Ted Bundy That Will Chill You To Your Core.” Beverly Maier, Thought Catalog. April 2018.

“Contractors claim bizarre events at home where killer Ted Bundy grew up.” Gabe Cohen, Komonews. May 2017.

“Former defense attorney claims serial killer Ted Bundy confessed to ‘murdering more than 100 people and his first victim was a MAN'” Emily Anne Epstien, Daily Mail. May 2012.

“Ann Rule, 83, Dies: Wrote About Ted Bundy (a Friend) and Other Killers.” William Grimes, New York Times. July 2015.

“Ted Bundy and 9 Other Famous People Who Couldn’t Handle Law School.” Aleksi Tzatzev, Business Insider. October 2012.

“The Miseducation Of A Serial Killer: Where Did Ted Bundy Go To College And What Did He Study?” Gina Tron, Oxygen. January 2019.

“Classmates remember a friend 40 years after her murder.” WCJB 20. February 2018.

“‘My Name Is Ted Bundy. I’ve Never Spoken to Anybody About This.'” Kate Storey, Yahoo Entertainment. January 2019.

“Ted Bundy’s Education: Student By Day, Killer By Night” by All That’s Interesting, June 26, 2019

“How Ted Bundy Got Away With So Many Murders, According To A Forensic Psychologist”, By Janaki Jitchotvisut, Business Insider, Jan 29, 2019

“From troubled childhood to electric chair: The full timeline of Ted Bundy’s life and murder spree” by Meghan Reinhardt, Business Insider, Feb 2, 2019

“Did Ted Bundy kill his 1st victim when he was 14? Police not ruling him out in girl’s 1961 disappearance” by WBNS-10TV Staff, 10TV, November 8, 2019

“Netflix’s ‘Extremely Wicked’ Shows Ted Bundy’s Escape From Prison—Here’s What Really Happened”, by KRISTIN CANNING, Women Health Magazine, MAY 3, 2019

“The Capture, Escape and Recapture of Serial Killer Ted Bundy” by Charles Montaldo, ThoughtCo, January 29, 2020

“Ted Bundy’s Living Victim Tells Her Story” by TORI TELFER, Rolling Stone, JANUARY 27, 2019

“The Inside Story Of Ted Bundy’s Execution, Last Meal, And Final Words”, by Marco Margaritoff, All That’s Interesting, May 8, 2019
