Vincent van Gogh is known for being the artist who cut off his left ear. However, do you really know the true story behind why? While Vincent van Gogh is a popular name today, this was not always the case. In fact, when he was alive, his neighbors started a petition because they believed him to be dangerous to society. This article is going to give you some of the most fascinating facts about the troubled life of one of history’s most beloved painters.
35. He Wasn’t The Only Vincent van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh’s parents named him after his grandfather. However, he wasn’t the first child of his parents to have this name. In fact, Van Gogh had an older brother with the same name. Unfortunately, Van Gogh’s brother died right after birth. Therefore, Van Gogh’s decided to name their next son after the grandfather and their baby. Later, Vincent’s brother, Theo, had a son whom he named after his brother. Altogether, there were at least four Vincent van Gogh’s, but there could have been more people don’t know about yet and maybe never will.