Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures

HC Staff - AS - August 6, 2023

Not everyone is a happy history buff, but there are some aspects of history most people will find fascinating. When you look at paintings of historical figures, they often look very different from the average person you’d see walking down the street today. Part of their noticeable difference from people in the present day is their clothing and hairstyles, which were obviously very different one hundred or more years ago! But part of the obvious difference is simple human evolution. People change over the years, and some features become more prominent while others nearly disappear. Are you curious to see the modern-day versions of prominent people throughout history? Keep scrolling to see these unbelievable comparisons created by Dallas-based artist and graphic designer Becca Saladin!

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

Jane Austen

Anyone who paid attention during their high school English classes will recognize the name Jane Austen. She’s a well-known and highly praised British author who explored deep issues in her novels. One of her most famous works, “Pride and Prejudice,” is still widely regarded as an impressive talking piece about women’s dependence on marriage for economic and social security during those times. The modern-day picture of Jane Austen portrays her precisely as she was- an average woman of average appearance.

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa is a world-famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci and is considered to be a masterpiece example of the Italian Renaissance era. The subject of this painting, Lisa del Giocondo, was a member of one of the wealthiest families in Florence. This painting is highly regarded for the mysterious smile it captured and the impressive painting techniques used. The modern-day version shows a woman with the same coy smile but with a fuller hairstyle. The lady on the left looks like someone you’d run into on the streets of Italy today!

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

Christina Of Denmark

Did you know Christina of Denmark almost married King Henry VIII? Thank goodness she didn’t because then we wouldn’t have this gorgeous painting! Christina of Denmark was ahead of her time and clearly wasn’t willing to put her future at risk with the King. She famously said, “If I had two heads, one should be at the King of England’s disposal.” Her modern portrait shows a sophisticated woman with elongated features typical of that time period.

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

After Madame de Pompadour’s death in 1764, Louis XV needed a new mistress. Madame Du Barry became his second official mistress and became one of the most powerful women in France until the French Revolution. If she were alive today, Madame Du Barry’s soft features and full hair would give her the potential to be famous. She could easily be an Instagram model or the new star of your favorite television drama.

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

Eleanor of Toledo was a Spanish noblewoman and Duchess of Florence after marriage. Eleanor was a keen businesswoman far ahead of her time. She gave serious input to her husband’s business ventures and she financed many of his political campaigns. Eleanor’s sharp features and mind gave her a unique ability to be at the forefront of decision-making during her time. Were she alive today, Eleanor would almost certainly be an accomplished businessperson or entrepreneur and would be known for her sense of business.

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

King Henry VIII is known for many things, including his lengthy list of wives. Katherine Howard was King Heny VIII’s fifth wife, and she was only 16 when they got married! For a little perspective, the King was already 49 years old at the time of their marriage. Unfortunately, Katherine met the same fate as many other wives during this time period. She was accused of adultery and her husband had her executed. If she were alive today, Katherine’s good looks and charming demeanour almost certainly would have led her to a better husband than King Henry VIII!

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

Caligula was well known in Roman times and has become an important figure in history books. He believed in increasing the unrestrained personal power of the emperor, though most of his political ideologies were purely based on how he would benefit from them. Caligula’s modern-day face gives off the appearance of someone born into money and privilege. We imagine Caligula wouldn’t have fared as well in modern times where such extreme ideologies are looked down upon and are no longer the majority interest in most countries.

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now


Napoleon is one of those historical figures that everyone recognizes by name. Many people know of Napoleon because of the phrase, “Napoleon complex,” which refers to shorter than average men feeling inferior due to their height. Napoleon was actually 5 feet 7 inches and wasn’t much shorter than other kings during his time. Despite his faults, Napoleon is still considered one of the greatest military leaders in history! His present day face looks a little like Quentin Tarantino, and his face gives off the impression of a businessman rather than a military leader!

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

Grace Kelly

Grace Kelly was a prominent American actress during the early to mid-1950s. She was born to a well respected Catholic family in Philadelphia and pursued her acting career since childhood. However, Kelly’s fate took a turn in 1956 when she married Prince Rainier III and became the Princess of Monaco. She was known for her gracious demeanour and effortless beauty, both of which are easily reflected in her modern day portrait. Kelly lived the American dream of many girls during her time and we believe she’d still be living that dream if she’d been born today!

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

One of the most famous painters during the time of the Early Renaissance, Sandro Botticelli, created a painting that is still talked about by artists and historians today! Botticelli’s “The Birth of Venus” was created during the Italian Renaissance and portrayed a woman with desirably soft features and gorgeous hair. The modern-day version is just as alluring as the original as the artist retained her original pose and features while enhancing certain elements with the help of photoshop.

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

Prince Albert

A strange side of history that doesn’t get spoken about very often is the intermingling of royal families. Prince Albert was married to Queen Victoria, who also happened to be his cousin! It was very common for royalty to want to “keep the bloodlines close” during this time period, and is still a common practice in some parts of the world. Prince Albert was different than most men of his time and preferred to focus on his family life rather than his political or royal life. His modern day portrait portrays an average man just trying to enjoy his life!

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

Genghis Khan

This is another name everyone will recognize right away. Genghis Khan was the founder of the Mongol Empire and he led his people with an iron fist. Khan was a tough leader who established the largest land empire in history through the strength of his military and the strictness of his leadership. The portrait on the left was likely constructed based on someone’s memory and description of the leader after he died rather than his actual face. Still, the modern day version does an excellent job of showing a tough, disciplined man who has the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

Cleopatra VII

Who hasn’t heard of Cleopatra and her famous beauty? Cleopatra was a Queen of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt and there are been hundreds of portraits and likenesses of her found throughout history. She’s often depicted with bold winged eyeliner, lavish gold jewelry, and beautiful headdresses. The modern face of Cleopatra is much more subtle, but you can still sense the power she held in her eyes. Her makeup and accessories were significantly toned down to give her the appearance of an average person, but you can still sense her royalty when you look at the picture.

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

Jane Seymour

Poor Jane Seymour! She’s yet another unfortunate victim of King Henry VIII. Unlike many of King Henry’s other wives, Jane wasn’t accused of a crime and executed by her husband. Instead, she gave her husband his only living son and the only living heir to his throne. But times were tough back then and Jane died due to complications of childbirth. Her modern day portrait shows the face of a strong, no-nonsense woman who likely would have found great success in today’s world!

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

Henry VIII

Here we have a portrait of the man who was known for his womanizing ways and the death of several wives. Henry VIII has a sordid past, filled with adultery scandals, and secret mistresses. The man’s portraits look eerily similar, and we have to commend the artist for managing to capture his sinister side while still enhancing his features and updating his outfit to give him a modern day appearance. If Henry VIII were alive in today’s time, he would have a much harder time getting away with treating women as disposable objects.

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

King Henry VII

This is the father of King Henry VIII, and he had a better reputation than his son! King Henry VII was the King of England and the Lord of Ireland, and his people were far better taken care of under his role. This man ended the War of Roses, made the nobility pay a fairer share of tax, and improved the overall economy. He was considered a good man and a fair leader who tried to do what was best for his people. If he were alive today, he would probably have quite a bit to say about the way royalty around the world has conducted themselves!

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

Anne of Cleaves was almost another victim of King Henry VIII, but she managed to escape the same fate that met most of his other wives. She was the King’s fourth wife, and he actually ended up divorcing her because he felt she wasn’t attractive enough to be his wife. The thought seems silly today, since both portraits show a beautiful woman with soft features and expressive eyes. We hope Anne of Cleves didn’t take the divorce too personally because she seriously lucked out!

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

King Tutankhamun is a famous Egyptian Pharoh who was the last of the royal family to rule during the end of the 18th dynasty. The photo on the left obviously isn’t an actual portrait done during Egyptian times, but it is a realistic recreation of his appearance created by forensic artist Elisabeth Daynes. The updated photo gives him a fuller head of hair, removes the classic Egyptian makeup, and gives him the appearance of an average Joe. It’s an interesting depiction because he seriously looks like someone you would run into at your local mall. Has royalty always looked so similar to us and just been portrayed to be more extravagant?

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

Elizabeth Taylor

Elizabeth Taylor doesn’t go nearly as far back in history as King Tutankhamun, but her portraits are still interesting to look at side-by-side. Taylor was an American actress best known for her roles in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and Butterfield 8. She was a well-loved actress who was praised for her easy-going demeanour and gorgeous appearance. Taylor passed away in 2011, and her recreated portrait gives her appearance only minimal updates. She still has the same bold makeup and sharp features, but her style is more in line with modern times on the right.

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

Having starred in famous films like Casablanca, Ingrid Berman was a Swedish Academy-Award winning actress who was considered Hollywood royalty. Her acting skills were highly regarded during her time, and she had easy good looks that won her several high profile roles. Were she born during modern times, Bergman could easily have become a social media influencer, a supermodel, or an accomplished actress. Bergam’s modern face reveals all her beautiful features while giving her a more current hairstyle.

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

Wallis Simpson

Wallis Simpson has a fascinating and scandalous history that would make any modern day woman say, “You go, girl!” Simpson was an American socialite who caused a major scandal in England. As a result of her actions, King Edward VIII gave up his throne, which led the way for Queen Elizabeth II to rule today! It’s too bad they don’t teach this side of history in school because far more people would enjoy their history classes. Simpson’s modern day portrait removes her accessories and gives her a softer appearance, but you can still see the determination in her eyes!

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

Mary I

Mary I, better known as “Bloody Mary” due to her actions against the Protestants, was the Queen of England and Ireland until her death in 1558. She’s best known for her efforts to reverse the English Reformation and the harshness with which she ruled her people. Mary I looks just as severe as history makes her out to be in the first portrait, but her features have softened slightly in the modern day version. Perhaps she would have taken a gentler approach if she’d been born in modern times.

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

Elizabeth Woodville

Elizabeth Woodville has a fairy tale story. She was the first commoner in England to marry into royalty. She became the wife of King Edward IV, and it’s no surprise why he choose her out of all the women who were vying for his attention. Woodville was considered the most beautiful woman on the Isle of Britain with eyes that, “looked like those of a dragon.” Her original portrait doesn’t quite do her beauty justice, but you can see her stunning features in her modern portrait that show why King Edward IV went out of his way to make her his wife.

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln is one of those historical figures that everyone knows about and respects. He was the 16th president of the United States and led the nation through the Civil War. His actions led to the abolition of slavery, a more modern economy, a strengthened federal government, and so much more. He was a well-dressed and spoken man during his time, and his most noted feature was his prominent nose. This feature was recreated in his modern portrait, where he gives off the same air of sophistication as we imagine he did in real life.

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

Queen Isabella of Castile played an important role in history. She was the one who sent Christopher Colombus on his journey to “discover the new world” in 1492. The Queen is best known for her role in purifying the Roman Catholic faith during her time and for her fairness while ruling. Queen Isabella married Ferdinand II when she was only 18 years old, though this age wasn’t considered particularly young at that time. Her modern day portrait makes her appear even younger, with fair features and soft eyes that make her appear less world-wise than she probably was.

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

Augustus was the first emperor of the Roman Empire. He began as a Roman statesman and military leader before moving on to a ruling position. Augustus is well-known for having brought peace to the land and beginning to rebuild the city. Through Augustus’s leadership, much of the land around the Mediterranean Sea was conquered. Of course, like many historical figures, Augustus is a controversial figure. The modern-day likeness of this Emperor shows softer features than one would expect, and he could easily be a model in today’s world!

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

Do you know the classic movie, Anastasia? Well, the events of that film are loosely based on the real-life events of the life of Grand Duchess Anastasia Romanov! Anastasia Romanov was the youngest daughter of Tsar Nicolas II, and historians believe she managed to escape when the rest of her family was killed, which is portrayed in the famous movie. Her present-day portrait shows a beautiful young woman who could easily become a Tik Tok star or Instagram model.

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

If the phrase, “Off with her head!” means anything to you, then you know a little of Marie Antoinette’s history. As the final Queen of France, Marie Antoinette is a vital historical figure. The death of Marie Antoinette and her husband marked the end of the monarchy in France and ushered in a new era for the country. The Queen was known for her flamboyant sense of style and over-the-top hairdos, as you can see in the picture on the left. In the right photo, her natural style remains but is toned down slightly to look more modern.

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

Here we have yet another of King Henry VIII’s wives. Catherine Parr was the King’s final wife and married the King after having three previous husbands. Catherine Parr fared much better than King Henry VIII’s previous wives and managed to outlive the King. Her beauty is easily recognized in the portrait on the left, and her modern-day likeness shows a woman who could be seen walking down the red carpets and starring in high-profile films.

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

Louis XV

Louis XV isn’t as well-known as his great-grandfather, the Sun King, Louis XIV, but he was still an important man in history. Louis XV was the second-longest-reigning monarch in French history, which is quite a feat! He also took Madame de Pompadour as his mistress for a time. The modern-day image of Louis XV portrays an average man who could be anyone. His looks don’t immediately scream fame and fortune, but he does have the strong features typical of nobility.

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

Now we get to talk about King Henry VIII’s very first wife! Katherine of Aragon may have been King Henry VIII’s first wife, but he was not her first husband. Katherine was actually married to the King’s older brother before she remarried. Her portraits portrays a sad, obedient woman who has been disappointed by the men in her life. It’s very possible that Katherine would have led a more fulfilling life had she been born in modern times. Her gentle features and gorgeous hair would have easily made her a star and given her access to a world of new opportunities.

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

Elisabeth of Austria, known as Sisi to those close to her, shouldered a lot of responsibility for her time. Not only was she the Empress of Austria, but she was also the Queen of Hungary once she married Emporer Franz Joseph I. Her wedding portrait on the left shows a strong woman looking forward to her future. The picture on the right retains the determined look in her eyes while sharpening her features every so slightly. The result is the face of a woman who could take over the world if she put her mind to it!

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

Most people will recognize the Queen of Scots! She’s an infamous historical figure who experienced a ton of controversy during her time. Mary ruled as the Queen of Scotland for 25 years after inheriting the throne when she was just six days old! As the only surviving child of King James V, his death automatically placed the burden of ruling onto Mary’s very young shoulders. Mary’s fascinating life was portrayed in the television show Reign, and the actress chosen to play the Queen has an eerily resemblance to her. We can’t get past the dull eyes in both of Mary’s portraits. She had a hard life, and it certainly shows.

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

Anne Boleyn was King Henry VIII’s second wife. Her daughter became Queen Elizabeth I, but Anne didn’t live to see her daughter’s successes. Like some of his other wives, King Henry VIII had Boleyn executed due to accusations of adultery and witchcraft. Anne Boleyn played an important role in the development of the Church of England before her death, and she was well-loved by those around her. Looking at her portraits, it’s easy to see why the King chose her to be his wife. She has a natural beauty that would easily lead to a lifelong modeling career in modern times.

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

Ready to hear an inspirational story of female power? Agrippina The Younger was a prominent female figure during the Julio-Claudian Dynasty. Historians have described the young Roman empress as ruthless, violent, and domineering, but perhaps it was these qualities that allowed her to maintain such a highly respected position in society. Her modern-day portrait portrays a woman filled with determination and fire. Just looking at her eyes will draw you in and inspire you to go after what you want in life.

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

Everyone learned about Alexander the Great during school, but the history books didn’t have this fascinating modern-day recreation of his face. Alexander the Great was the King of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedom, and by the age of thirty, he had managed to create one of the largest empires in the ancient world. He’s described as having had heterochromia, which means his eyes were different colors. The result is striking in his modern-day picture. The man on the left looks like he could be part of a boy band or the star lead of a hit television drama series!

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

Remember when we talked about Anne Boylen and her infamous husband, King Henry VIII? Well, Queen Elizabeth I was their child! Unfortunately, her parents’ marriage was annulled, which resulted in Queen Elizabeth I being declared illegitimate. That would have been a serious blow to her social status during this period, but the Queen managed to rise above it. Both portraits show the face of a woman who had a hard life and refused to give in. While some may say she has major RBF, we think it’s more of an intentionally unaffected expression. The Queen wanted the world to know that she didn’t care what they thought of her and we applaud that!

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

Julius Ceaser is frequently quoted in history books, and his story has been reviewed over and over again by historians. He’s most well known for his role in the demise of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire. Another major accomplishment by Julius Ceaser was his crossing of the English Channel and the Rhine River. While Julius Ceaser was an infamous dictator, his present-day likeness has a much gentler appearance. He looks like a regular guy who could be a talk show host or even a weatherman!

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

Nefertiti, also known as the “Lady of all Women” and many other nicknames, was an Egyptian Queen best known for her part in the religious revolution of that time. She was a bit of a feminist icon in her time, although that type of ideology wasn’t the same then as it is today. Nefertiti’s historical portraits often show her with beautiful and classic Egyptian headresses and makeup. Her makeup and accessories have been toned down in her modern picture, but she still seems to exude royalty. It must be something about her piercing eyes!

Unbelievable! Check Out The Modern Day Faces Of Historical Figures
Photo Credit: instagram.com/royalty_now

Leonardo Da Vinci

Leonardo Da Vinci is one of the most well-known scientists and artists of the High Renaissance. He’s best known for his work as an artist, with his famous paintings “Mona Lisa” and “The Last Supper” still being regarded as some of the best pieces of all time. Along with his work as a painter, Leonardo Da Vinci was also a dedicated scientist, inventor, and architect. His modern-day portrait shows a man who looks like he holds many secrets. We wonder how many of those secrets he tried to express in his paintings and how many hidden messages still remain lost to history.
